My .02 cents..... 1) If you choose to step in and ask the people to calm down, you'd best be big enough to back up yourself. But it sounds to me like they hit him in the back of the head on the way out. Never, Ever turn your back after you've had words with someone. 2) Bad move whooping the good guy infront of his kids. There has been a few times somebody deserved a beatdown and I didnt because they had their kids with them. 3) My wife is from Boston and when I go up there people look at me like I am nuts because I am polite. Hold a door open for a lady or say "hi" up there and they think you are crazy.
My three cents: This is the very reason that I don't patronize certain establishments in this area. My one and only visit to the Club House Restaurant one Friday night resulted in my wife and I not even going in due to the filth being spewed from two *itches who were heading in the door ahead of us. I am getting less tolerant of the rednecks and even less tolerant of incivility in general. And no, I am not a right-wing Christian republican.
Must have been my neighbors you heard. They are famous for screaming obscenities at each other, their kids and other neighbors while in their backyard. I can't imagine talking to my kids that way as if it's just normal behavior.
I understand, but it was like so many posts on 4042, including some of my own, that I didn't say anything. I didn't think we could become more uncivil to each other than we were in the Stinger days, but I may be wrong. :x
You were on target, these idiots just got arrested at McDonald's.
That story on the couple of McDonald's is just the tip of the ice berg going on with violence. People need to legalize pot and chill the heck out. Tonight is Homecoming at Clayton High School and the rumor going around is that someone is going to get shot. Last time my teen got a text like that they did have a drive by. What has happened to our world? I always speak up when someone is being mean. Sherry P.S. Kumbaya......P!
Oh my God Sherry! I hope all will be well at the game. My son is in Maryland with the band or we would all be there tonight. I hope your daughter is okay. That kind of text would scare me to death, but I guess kids have come to accept threats as part of high school. That is a damn shame that someone chose to cast that kind of shadow on what should be a fun, happy rite of passage in high school.:evil: WTH is wrong with some people?
I have been known to tell a table to shut up when they are cussing and my kids are with me. I don't really care if it hurts their feelings, they should know to not use profanity in a public area. It is my opinion that if more people told these morons to pipe down it would not be a problem.:cheers:
I agree, only I have politely pointed out the children with "Excuse me. Do you mind not using that language around my children?" You know what else I don't appreciate? Vulgar music being blasted from cars while we are sitting at a light, enjoying the weather with the windows down. What the hell is wrong with folks? At that point, I blast some Wheels On The Bus right back at 'em, show them how ridiculous they look. It embarrasses my son, and he begged me not to do it the other night when we were at a traffic light and one of his female classmates was in a car next to us, cursing like a sailor. I conceded, only because it was Homecoming. But next time, she's getting some Wheels On The Bus. :jester:
:iagree: thats part of the problem, that and people just accept it and don't see a problem w/ it. I think you should have more respect for yourself and others when you're out in public.
HAHA, Wheels on the bus, I like that, but I don't think my stock radio will out do some of these kids, it's like they have a 500.00 car and 1200.00 sound systems, haha:jester: