Elizabeth Church is going to celebrate St. Francis of Assisi Day with a Blessing of the Animals service. It will be this Sunday, October the 11th at 5pm. Bring your fur, feathered, scaly or human kids however you can manage them; we will gather on the lawn to celebrate and acknowledge them!
What religion is Elizabeth Church? I'm thought Catholics or Episcopalians were the only ones that celebrated St. Francis of Assisi Day, but I don't know for sure, obviously. lol
KDS, aren't we going to take up an offering for JCAPL and welcoming food or supply donations for them as well?
Yes, thanks for the reminder! I didn't put that on the flyers, either, should I make more? Pickle has already put up a bunch of flyers, too!
If anyone is interested Sacred Heart Cathedral is having a blessing of the animals service on Sunday. They are a Catholic church on the corner of Hillsborough and McDowell in downtown Raleigh. That may not be convenient for some, but thought I'd throw it out there as well.
KDS Please pardon my ignorance, but what is done during the ceremony and can a person bring a camera?
Yes, you can certainly bring a camera. I'm not sure exactly what our pastor has planned for the service, but I'm sure you will be glad you came!
If only our dog behaved better around other animals, we'd bring her. Unfortunately, she'd probably be a disruption. :evil:
I know there will be a few hymns, maybe some scripture, and a short talk(and she is really an excellent speaker). At some point, probably at the end she will go around and give each animal a blessing. I have always really enjoyed them, both the celebration of pets and seeing all the different animals! Definitely one service my kids would happily sit through. It doesn't take very long.
Do you remember which hymns? My notes are around here somewhere, but it's easier to ask you than to hunt for them! :lol:
I THINK they will be: All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures God and King, and The Friendly Beast.
:hurray:I will really try to be there. I will be the one with 2 girls and 2 greyhounds! I would love to meet any 4042ers.