10 years??? 48 Billion in stimulus money for DOT projects and it will take 10 years? Took 1 year to build the bypass and it will take 10 years to fix the problem it created? Yep, sounds like a 'par' move for DOT. Q. What's yellow and sleeps 3? A. A DOT truck.
I think the stimulus money has to be spent by a certain date, which something like this project would not accomplish. You will have to fuss at bammy's truck for that one.
Why don't they fix the death trap on I95 between Benson and Kenly while they are at it. If they would just widen it so that cars had a place to get out of the way it would save lives. This they type of thing the stimulas money should have been used for. ------------------ The DOT workers called the boss and said they were short three shovels so half of the guys didn't have one. The boss said, "We'll send some out right away, just lean on each other until they get there".
Yea, I'm blaming President Obama for taking 2 years to do an environmental study for 3 miles of highway construction?? Let me help expedite the study: Remove the median, install water abatement, and add 2 lanes. If you want to get fancy erect tall brick walls to reduce the noise for all the animals in the "nothing but woods" in that stretch of highway. There you go, study done! And it's free.
Again, this only changes the I40 parking lot from 2 lanes to 3, just to 42, with no mention of the impact of the proposed River Oaks Development.
I find it funny that people think that rush hour traffic in the area is really that bad. I could leave home between 7 and 8 AM and it takes me no longer than 30-35 minutes to get to Raleigh, approx 20 miles. Unless 2 southern drivers decide to crash into each other, which seems to be a common occurance, traffic is never that bad.
I agree. After living with DC traffic for years this isn't a bad commute at all, but patience is not one of my best qualities so I'll welcome any changes to clear up the congestion.
you got that right. Obviously folks have never driven on the LA Freeway to try and get to that's traffic.
Obviously.... While our traffic situation here may be better than other places, some people just don't want our area to become the "other place"!!! :lol:
I think you should blame bammy and crew for the timeframe for the stimulus money and you should blame Nixon for the environmental study taking so long.