Free flu shots at Wake Co Schools what about Johnston???

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cathy0517, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Never had one and 'aint gonna get one. :boxing:
  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    100% agree. My kids have been double & tripled vaccinated just b/c of where they came from originally. I don't do anything I don't have to. I have one out currently w/ the flu. He's had it since Saturday & earliest he can go back to school is tomorrow, maybe Friday. He has mostly slept & been lethargic. RUnning a fever. I don't consider it high...102 it was yesterday. In the beginning it was 105. Temps are different for him though as he has one kidney & we run into adrenal issues & temp regulating. So don't knwo the cccuracy of the temp. I do know it is officially the flu according to test. He only vomitted once. But I think it was more from not taking his regular meds than to do w/ the flu. A bit aching but nothing too terrible. He's basically laid inthe recliner or slept in his bed. Like the doc said folks used to get the flu all the time, be out of work for about a week & be done w/ it. No shots, no meds. We even declined the tamiflu which doc thought was good that we did that anyhow. He's naturally gotten better on his own. Unless your children have compromised immune systems or respiratory issues, not much to worry aobut. Kids get sick, they get better. I think the media is really blowing a lot of this out of proportion. I have 2 that have respiratory issues & one w/ holes in her heart. I'm not panicing, we'll get through it if we get it. We were prepared w/ our son. Plenty of popsicles, applesauce, etc. on hand. Practicing hand washing & all that stuff. Is it fun? No. Will we survive? yes. All I know is the sickest I ever was was the one time I received the flu shot. Not making the same mistake twice.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    A doctor told me that medically speaking, a flu shot should not cause anyone to be sick. If you get sick after having a shot, you either have a compromised immune system, already had the virus incubating in your body or you're allergic to eggs.

    Everybody's different, though. The Flu Mist is available in Johnston right now, but we're not able to get it yet since it hasn't been a month after getting the seasonal vaccine. I haven't ever had any problem with the shot nor has any one in my family. In fact, this last time my arm wasn't even sore afterward.

    If there are any side effects of the flu vaccines, I haven't felt any different since getting it, except for now I am more trusting of what the government tells me and considering a vote for a straight democratic ticket this year. :jester:
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    there should be a vaccine for folks that do that.....

  5. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    As always matters of opionion and experience differ but my son currently has the flu and the dr. recommended that he get any flu vaccine available to him when he is better. He usually does get the shot but had not been able to get an apt yet this year. He actually has an apt a week from tomorrow but the dr. is expecting to be out of their supply by then. The dr. says the seasonal shot would not have prevented him from catching the flu that he has right now because the seasonal flu is not going around yet. My husband got a flu shot at Walgreens last night and I plan to go tonight because our dr. is not even scheduling apts. for adults. I find it odd that the pharmacy is using the meds on adults and children are having trouble getting the shot at the regular dr. office. We live in Johnston county so no shot for him at school.
  6. shardee428

    shardee428 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if your child has to be school-aged to go to the schools and get a shot? My dd is 4, almost 5, and I am having a hard time getting her the shot. We live in Wake Co., just barely.

    With dh's compromised immune system, this is a concern for us. It is no sweat for me to get the shot, I can walk into any pharmacy, and BAM, it's done, but he and dd were recommended to go to their reg. doctor to get it, and neither of their offices have any right now. :(
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    :iagree: and I am just waiting for someone to die the afternoon that they get the shot, automatically most will blame the shot.

    Just as they recently blamed the cervical cancer vaccine for the death of the teenager Natalie Morton in England. Naturally the press, in particular the conservative press, poured all their resources into it and have effectively damaged the vaccine program that could save untold women from that retched disease. Once the autopsy was done and they found the girl actually died from died from a malignant tumor in her chest and not from a reaction to the cervical cancer vaccine, the damage was done. Most news-media later acknowledged their mistake, but you can't put that genie back into the bottle.
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Again folks, please talk to your family physician.

    So many of these children that died were "Healthy" but that is precisely who is dieing, us old farts aren't.

    I really don't want someone to let old wives tales and conspiracy theories result in their child dying.
  9. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I heard from a person at work that Wake County got federal stimulus money to provide the shots and that Johnston County turned it down. I think of the person as reliable, but I do not know if this is true or not. My youngest got his seasonal at the ped. office on a Saturday recently, but the oldest had swine flu at the time and could not get it. He had to be rescheduled for the 20th. Hope he still is able to get it. I will check with Walgreen's to see if they can do it now (he's 14). DH and I got ours at the Harvest Festival at the Walgreen's tent (right by the 4042 tent)!
  10. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    I'm really not trying to be alarmist here but I do know my kids. The last year that they did not get the flu shot they both missed weeks of school. My 12 year old has asthma and ended up getting so dehydrated she had to be hospitalized. My 7 year old same thing. I work at a hospital and am exposed to everything out there and feel I am doing my job by protecting my kids as best I can. Of course I travel everywhere with my hand sanitizer and my kids wash their hands every chance they get. Of course it is a personal choice and I respect those who choose not to get the shot but I think it should be available to anyone who wants it!
  11. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    There have been many reports of severe side effects for cervical cancer vaccine...

    Here is just one ...

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  14. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    just got mine did :mrgreen:
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    did you cry???? :grouphug::jester:
  16. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    nope not a single tear:jester:
  17. seabee

    seabee Guest

    you think you tough??? :jester::jester:

    sassytough.... :lol::lol:
  18. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    My teen got the vaccine in bold above, which comes in stages, when it first came out. The doctor told us then that most were not having their daughters take this vaccine.


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