40/42 Incorporation

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Gomer Pyle, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I am very close to someone who works for the Town, she chortles every-time I mention this thread.

    I think you might have more to worry about from Garner.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    So, NBC-17 gave us 1:43 of air time and did show many of the issues facing us.
    What was left out though, was that I said that we are in the exploratory phase, that no decision has been made to proceed, and that we are trying to get educated as to the hard facts affecting us, so at least we can make an informed choice.


    Looking forward to seeing you folks tomorrow night.

    Cleveland Counts!

  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Webbie...thanks for giving us this forum to use.


    We're looking forward to a great beginning tonight. Hopefully, we can achieve some consensus as to how to proceed gathering information, and tapping into the passion that's been shown in the past.

    We will keep our meetings and information flow open and accessible. We want to ensure that everyone can feel free to have their POV heard. All I ask, personally, is that this discussion be made with an open mind and no hidden agenda. I believe we've been able to begin this way, and want it to continue.

    Again, we're in the exploratory stage, where we're trying to determine the facts and then be able to discuss options. Only after we've discussed the facts can we make an informed choice as to whether or not to proceed further, and -if so- how to proceed the best serve our needs.

    Cleveland Counts! meeting at 6pm at the Golden Corral on Son-Lan Parkway, off exit 312 at 40-42.
  4. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    Good Luck tonight guys, I hope you get lots of good info and feedback
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    NBC-17 reporter will attend for a follow-up to last night's report.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Agenda change

    Tonight's agenda has been modified to reflect where we currently stand, and removed items that are beyond an initial meeting purview.

    I regret any confusion.

  7. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    NBC 17 is getting ready to air the clip about incorporation
  8. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Grrrrrrrr .......:evil: H6 my apologies for not being there. I just now got home from volunteering at the fair collecting for the food bank. Our relief volunteers showed up 1/2 hour late and then traffic out of that area almost made me cry!! :cry:

    I hope you get to post what came out of the meeting..... so I can see where I can lend my talents to help this effort.
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    just cook the food and clean the kitchen... :jester:
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Synopsis of tonight's meeting

    25 in attendance, including JoCo Commissioners Cookie Pope and Allen Mims, JoCo Manager Rick Hester, and several business persons, officers and members of the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and area residents. Reporters from NBC-17 and the Garner-Clayton Record attended, as well.

    Following an informal meet and greet, the meeting was opened by emphasizing that we are in the exploratory stage, and that until we can present the factual information concerning our options, that we can make no logical decision.

    Ms. Cathy Campbell volunteered to be the recorder of minutes for the meeting, to transcribe those and send so they can be placed on the website for all to view. I will pass on copies of those notes to those ho have indicated an interest: Webbie at 4042.com, and Mr. Ted Atchley of the Cleveland Sentinel.

    Following a brief discussion of the former incorporation effort, discussion led by Mr. Mims allowed for some insights as to changes in state law regarding “involuntary” annexation, and some history of the recently approved development of River Oaks. Maps of the area were displayed and available for viewing.

    Mr. David Mills, Esquire, who provided legal representation for the Archer Lodge Incorporation, and who represents the River Oaks developer offered tremendous insight as to the steps that Archer Lodge followed to determine whether or not they wanted to incorporate, and once decided, how to engage in that effort.

    Questions concerning the possible interest by other municipalities were fielded. The process to incorporate, if chosen, will be a lengthy process requiring a committee of interested persons to develop the factual pro’s and cons of incorporation and presenting that information to the public, and engaging in discussions as to what was found, and what the public comments indicate should be done.

    Questions concerning the growth and overall development, especially the increasing traffic and entry/exit routes for River Oaks along 42 were entertained. The county will require traffic interchanges near the proposed developments, with two entry/exit points, and will require improvements between Cornwallis and I-40.

    Commissioners Mims and Pope emphasized that the Planning Meetings and County Commission meeting want to hear from residents concerning the issues affecting them, and that there was sparse attendance of residents at the planning and commission meetings.

    An Education Committee was formed to develop a knowledge base of information and to share that at the next public meeting. The next public meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009, location TBD. The Education committee will meet before the public meeting and prepare some reports. Currently, 4 volunteers are on the committee, which is open to interested residents. Please indicate interest by contacting us through the website at Clevelandschool.webs.com

    Mr. Mills recommendations, if the decision is made to seek incorporation, were to do three things: Establish a Steering Committee, Contact the UNC School of Government and League of Municipalities for assistance and support, and determine the community support from all those with interests: agricultural, urban, business, elderly, young families, Faith oriented, schools, recreational, and other groups to get a consensus view, and to allow for a full and open discussion to be conducted.

    The Education Committee will meet within the next two weeks to begin the fact-finding mission. Interested parties are needed. You can indicate interest by contacting us through http://Clevelandschool.webs.com or via Private Message/Email at 4042.com.

    These are the “Cliff’s Notes” version as I best recall. The transcribed notes from the meeting will be placed on our website, and offered to 4042.com Webmaster, Mr. Atchley, and any other interested parties.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  11. YouthSports

    YouthSports Member

    I'm glad to hear that the meeting went well. The GCAA has an obvious interest in learning more about these efforts and would be happy to provide the group with space to meet in the future (we have a board room and a full gynasium). Additionally, I would extend an invitation to anyone, when the time is right, to come to one of our Board of Directors meetings to see how we can begin working together. One of our challenges, compared to the recreation programs in surrounding towns, is that our area is not incorporated and our children and organization have no funding at the local level. Most other areas have a park and rec department to serve their community. We serve over 2,000 children and their families without any government assistance. This obviously means that the cost are covered through local businesses sponsoring us and registration fees. I'm confident we can help spread the message, provide meeting space and begin thinking about how our facility (in the heart of our committee) can be used in the future to better serve everyone.

    Chad Cunningham - President of the GCAA
  12. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    I would like to personally thank the Johnston County Commissioners Allen Mims and Cookie Pope, County Manager Rick Hester and Attorney David Mills for attending our meeting last Thursday. Their knowledge of the incorporation process was invaluable to our meeting.
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Dang, i missed all this and i have been wanting incorporation for years:evil: gotta read the whole thread tonite and find out what is going on - would love to help H6.
  14. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    the more the merrier. We're at the fact finding stage right about now, with a fact finding committee meeting at my house on Monday evening at 6:30 to better organize and set assignments for committee folks to research and report back. We'll have another public meeting on 12-2, location still not determined.

    GCAA has offered use of their facilities. Golden Corral's private room on Son Lan parkway is penciled in for us for 12-2 beginning at 630.

    Again, knowing that many members of this baord have been involved with prior similar efforts, I wnat to emphasize that we are in the fact finding stage, so no decision to incorporate or not has been made, and will not be for a while!

    Whatever decision the community makes is what will drive the train.

    Right now, there are 5 of us on the fact finding mission, meeting at my house on Monday evening at 630. If you;d like to join us, please PM me for the address and phone.

    Cleveland Counts! http://clevelandschool.webs.com

    thanks again,

  15. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Postponed meeting date


    Given the volume of fact finding there is to do, and with a desire to present factual information that will take longer to aseemble than we planned, we are postponing the scheduled 12-2 meeting at Golden Corral.

    There will not be a meeting of the Cleveland Counts!, township public meeting regarding the future plans of Cleveland Township on 12-2-09.

    Please pass this along, folks.

    Please send your questions/comments to us at http://clevelandschool.webs.com



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