I agree with this statement. I can't see the video either, but from my conclusion with all the bags and stuff right beside a dumpster it looks like this stuff has been brought out of the building to be discarded. That opinion is just by looking at the pictures. I think some of the people may simply be mistaken on your intentions and not stealing your stuff. I would place a sign outside that states that the donated goods are in some sort of staging area and please don't take or Authorized Personnel only within a roped off area.
It might look that way from the videos and pictures, but they are not in proximity to the dumpster where one would think it was overflow - esp the condition of the items. Why would a nice Little Tikes car be thrown out and not sold? Common sense would tell one they are not *free* for the taking. Reminds me of my new neighbor who told me I probably shouldn't put son's baskeball hoop at the side of the road as somebody might think it were free and come take it in the middle of the night. Really? If somebody comes at night, drains the base, take it apart and loads it into their truck - that is stealing, not a curbside freebie.
The donations are always sitting outside for days...Nobody working there goes by when it rains to protect or put them away. I have droped off numerous bags of clothing and gone back to drop off more a couple of days later and the bags were still there, with piles of water on them! The clothes were ruined! I'm glad there are people taking the stuff. Atleast someone is using them. The people "stealing" clothes or whatnots probably need them. I cant see someone with money scrounging through bags and boxes just for the thrill of it. Obviously, the people droping off the items don't really care what happens to them or they would have made sure the item are in good hands, not just dump them by a dumpster to a store that has the craziest hours and very high prices for donated items that are supposed to help people who don't have much money. Why waste the policemen's time searching for people trying to get some stuff for free and make life a little easier. They have more important things to worry about. Money is tight for everyone nowadays so if someone feels the need to rummage through someone elses leftover yardsale items so be it.
Which one of the vehicles is yours in those photo clips???? I'm sure your time would be appreciated to help them move these items into the store and help to get things better organized seeing as how you seem to know a lot about it..... People with money??? don't rummage... well its apparent that some do have enough money to be driving in mini-vans and other cars...
Some of the repeat offenders are probably stocking up for their next yard sale. If they are truly in need, they can go there on Monday from 6-9 pm or Saturday from 9-6 and get some help, honestly.
Sounds like your neighbor might have been using that as an excuse to approach you about not wanting the goal by the street.
At least her neighbor doesn't approach her about other things... :lol: Mine will probably end up kicked out of his house one day and I wouldn't blame his wife one bit.
Hmmm, first it's the old man at the gym and now your neighbor. I'm sensing a trend.... Are you sure it's them??? :lol:
Don't go there :boxing: or you will feel my wrath. You have no idea the trouble my neighbor caused. As far as the old man at the gym goes, he would hit on any woman under 70 years old.
Too much crap in my house for any more...I really felt the need to express my opinion. I just moved here tying to get a feel for the people around me. Life is too short to worry about petty "crime".
Wow. The items sit outside by the door, because there is not enough manpower to keep the place open 7 days a week. Are you volunteering??? The folks driving by in the middle of the night were not too picky, they even brought a pickup truck to load up and pretty much did a smash and grab I would guess for a yard sale the next day. The items are not by the dumpster - they are by the door. High prices? Do you think he should just give the items away for free? How will he stock the food pantry or pay the rent? Again, are you volunteering to help out with that? You really think this a matter of rummaging through leftover yardsale items and do be it? :shock: It's not. It is stealing, and if these folks are found they will very well be prosecuted by the Sheriff's Office. You're so stupid. I almost wonder if you are justifying your own actions, or that of somebody that you know.
The people around you are caring, fair, and just. They also abide by laws and an unwritten code of conduct. The people around you know that if they are going onto somebody's property in the middle of the night, where surveillance cameras are posted that taking items that don't belong to them is called stealing. The people around you see an opportunity to pitch in and help out a man making a difference in this community and not an opportunity to drive up in the middle of the night and take advantage the situation.
Oh no, trying to get a feel for people around here?... I'm proud that they are standing up for what is right.
That occured to me, so I asked him right off the bat if it was "OK" (as if I really cared) - he said he just never seen one on a straightaway and not in a cul-de-sac. He also asked if I was all ready for Halloween with my "goblins". I have stone gargoyles in my yard, so I strategically placed one eying his house. :lol: Anyway, this is not a high-dollar Stepford subdivision, I have already put quite a bit of time and money into the yard to make it presentable - I don't think he is worried about me junking up the hood, he's just a weirdo.
You never get warned about the werid neighbors, do you? LOL We had a freak back in TN. Wish I had known ahead of time just HOW weird he was, LOL. Was informed after we sold the house that he had a huge telescope set up in his LR that he used to look in all the neighbors houses. I am permanently cured of walking around the house in my skivvies!
Sorry for having an opinion different from yours. Try not to be so judgemental and quick to accuse. I doubt the people in the videos even know their being taped...or are aware they are being looked for...or why would they keep comming back?
Actually, when I was in the process of moving stuff over before the big move I did have one neighbor that introduced himself and then promptly reported to me on all the other neighbors, I am surprised he didn't follow it up with a "bless their heart". Now he did give me some insight on the folks I will be living around, I also know not to tell him anything about myself that I don't want the whole street knowing.