You ever wonder why folks don't volunteer more? Because no good deed goes unpunished. When someone VOLUNTEERS their valuable free time to an organization, no matter which one it is, you might want to consideer that it is UNPAID and VOLUNTEER before you start fussing about the way things are done. Got a problem with it? Then volunteer your own self. 8)
^^^^Ain't that the truth. Been a volunteer enought to know that no matter what you do, someone will be unhappy. Those attitudes have caused me to back away from volunteering more than once. Best of luck to you!
no they can't do that, then they would have nothing to fuss about. havent you heard its all about "me" now.. people could care less about helping someone else!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
:lol: Good advice. I don't know their name (and trying not to learn it) so I can keep from unloading on them. Ingrates! And it's not me personally, just watching from the sidelines as someone who pours their heart and soul into a program gets kicked in the teeth by a clueless parent.
Boy did I experience this yesterday at the food drive!! Some people had the audacity to tell us it was unorganized and a pain for them to get their FREE ticket into the gates. :boxing: Hmmmm, so you just spent LESS THAN $2.00 to buy 4 cans of food to help feed the hungry compared to paying $7.00 at the gate and you didn't get into the fair quick enough. Really?!?!?!? :? I felt like snatching the ticket back from her giving her 4 measly cans of food back and telling her to go pay to get in ..... and I hope you pop after eating all the fair food. :mrgreen: BUT!!! To all those that brought food and actually said THANK YOU to us you are what kept all the volunteers going! So thank YOU!:hurray: