seabee and DKYDIINY - Dumb and Dumber Costumes $100 Each (Raleigh, North Carolina) I have two prom quality dumb and dumber tuxedoes for sale. These costumes go for about 300 dollars each brand new or 100 dollars for a rental. Why not buy two slightly used costumes at a very reasonable price? $100.00 Each, I would prefer if you buy as a set for $200.00 You will definitely get a lot of positive responses from these outfits at your halloween party. Each Costume set includes 1 Tuxedo Jacket and Pants 1 bowtie 1 cumberbund 1 cane 1 Frilly Shirt 1 Hat
ok now you did it... I'm really really mad.. you think you're funny... man how could you even do that??? Do you think they would lower that price at all....:lol::lol: