We aren't going simply because we went last year and I don't want to spend the $$. But seabee is right, you can catch the flu anywhere. Keep your hands washed and away from your face and nose and you should be fine. 8) My neice had H1N1 last week and no one else in the immediate family got it. Sanitation people!! :lol:
Telling a young kid (and most adults) to keep their hands away from their eyes, nose or mouth is easy, but following through is difficult. I had a nurse at Rex one time to tell me that a lot of viruses and bacteria are spread by rubbing the eyes without first cleaning your hands. Of course, many kids will stick their finger up their nose in a heartbeat if something doesn't feel quite right or throw that ole thumb in their mouth or stick a finger in their mouths to remove something caught between their teeth. So, its often difficult. Plus, you don't even have to touch anything to catch a virus or become infected with bacteria. An infected person need only to have to sneeze (due to irritant or bright sunlight) and up goes millions of water droplets into the air. As these droplets are miniscule, they can take awhile to settle. You unknowingly walk through the sneeze and inhale. That's all it takes. But, yeah, that's the sort of thing that can happen anywhere. That's why its a good idea to alter your trips into public and go during less busy times. I'd say if you have to go to the State Fair, going first thing would likely be the best choice, but obviously you'll still cross paths with hundreds of other people while there. It is being rather paranoid, but viruses are contagious and especially, H1N1.
:iagree: i may not go, but it's not for fear of getting stabbed or H1N1. I think you're actually MORE likely to get stabbed or sick from WalMart. :lol:
:iagree: We are going one afternoon this week. To busy on the weekends for me, and don't really want to go at night.
We are not going this year. Went last year and had fun, but not excited about it this year. Besides that, we spent all of our fun money last night in Charlotte for the Metallica concert! It was so worth it, though!! Best concert I have ever attended, without a doubt! BTW, I do not know how many thousands of people the TWC Bobcats Arena holds, but they got everyone in there in about an hour and screened each and every person with a wand and inspected items from pockets. I felt very safe and secure with my two teenage sons. No reason why they could not do this at the fair.
We've certainly grown complacent in the years since 9/11. I remember thorough security to get into the fair immediately following but not now. I was surprised that my backpack did not even cause a cursory look when I went through the gates on Friday. Makes me shutter to think what kinds of things can just pass right through the fair gates. I would feel better if there were metal detectors and bags were searched.
We have always had fun at the fair, other than spending too much money, but with DH working nights it just wouldn't be fun without him. With the stabbing, would not want him to worry too much.
ok made it to the fair... It was good but now I got swine flu... :x:x:x Probably wasn't a good idea to wrestle that darn pig...
ok, if you still haven't been, take a small pocket size germx with you. they used to have LOTS of hand sanitizer stations, but for some reason this year of all years they were suspiciously few and far between. there are some foot-pump hand washing stations, but they're kinda hard to find, or only located outside the animal buildings ...