Doggie UTI

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by peppercorns, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Hey did you know they can get that stuff too..????

    muffin is about 14 or 16- (we will never know since she was a foundling) - but she has hair that grows around where she pees. Seems as though the hair knotted and then we brush her but not there...The hair then was irritating her girl got infected...ewwww. Doc said it is not just from that but still....
    We took her to Dr. BLaden at Cleveland animal Hospital and when they clipped it all away double ewwww and an owwwww. It was soo red and raw. the doc gave her Antibiotic ut they were not strong enough. Now she is on different meds, a pain pill , and an ointment. she is in pain and I feel terrible.

    SO my message is to make she that you clean them all over and get hair trimmed all over...muffin is not the type if dog you groom , we would just trim her ears at times. i never thought of anything like this happening. Now little muffin is miserable and since she is so old I have no idea how this will effect her. She also has cushings and is on expensive meds for that too. Cross your fingers and say a quick prayer for muffy. Thanks all!
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Sorry your baby is having so much trouble!! I hope she feels better soon!:grouphug:

    But yes, I have to keep an eye on my mutt for that as well. The things we have to do for our dogs!! :x My sister's big 'ole 175 lb mastiff would get them too. You wanna talk about "eewww"!!! LOL

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