The cat. Have I mentioned I hate cats and that my daughter has one? She bought a book about how to talk to cats. She justs says meow to him 5 minutes a day and then ignores him the rest of time. So I've got hear... meow, meow, meow... :banghead:
i have one - the folks who answer the phone for an AMerican company and their butts are in india or wherever. I hate that..I want to speak to an AMERICAN .....or at least someone IN America!!!!
People who smack your car with their door and then run off. Also, to whoever did it... thanks for having your keys in your hand when you went for your door. I agree that the dent in the passenger door wasn't quite enough, the 3-5 inch scratch leading up to it finishes the job off perfectly though.
That sucks so bad!! We hadn't even made the first payment on DH's brand new truck when someone dinged the passenger door, bad. They had to know they did it. Someone else backed into at the Lowe's hardware up at 40/42, never said a word either. People are pathetic. I had a Taurus SHO before DS was born, I was sitting in it one day when some lady hit my door with hers so hard it rocked the car. I'd had it about 6 weeks. Yeah, she got a cussing. :boxing: I feel your pain! Which is why the truck was my last ever brand spanking new vehicle. It's just not worth it.
Attorneys that do not do their job, like filing paperwork on time, and cause something to happen that should not have happened!! :evil: (oh not to me, but to someone else and it has ticked me off!!!)
People who can't understand what those great big arrows painted on the pavement mean at Walmart. Yeah, the BIG ones that tell you which way you are SUPPOSED to be going, yes YOU. You aren't "special", it means it for everybody! Duh Huh! And if you are going the wrong way, don't give me the evil eye because you don't have enough room. :boxing:
That's why I don't go to walmart, but unfortunately those people are everywhere and yes, they are "special" alright! I have learned much about parking lot idiots through my work at a community college. I wish I still had my '78 Grand Ville convertible. That thing was huge and all metal. No one messed with me when I drove it around! :mrgreen:
The guy on the fear farm radio spot that talks about soiling his drawers last year. That's gross. Whoever wrote that was a moron.
I heard that yesterday for the first time and of course my kids were in the car. They thought it was hilarious. I thought it was gross too.
People who don't know the difference between "Position Offered" and "Position Desired" in the Classifieds.