What age would be appropriate, I'm curious...My hubby and I moved in together before we were married - we were both 18. We've been together 16 years and married for 12. I do though completely understand if you don't feel it's appropriate for religious beliefs...everyone has a different opinion and feelings. We actually were kind of "thrown together" due to unforseen circumstances. But it all worked out.
YES!!!! YES!!! YES!!! That way you KNOW if you can handle the other persons *quirks* or NOT :lol: BUT don't get Credit cards together, bank acct, buy furniture, etc... until you are married. TRUST ME, I learned the hard way the first time 'round. :banghead: background - met July 25, 1996 moved in together almost immediately, engaged 4 years later, then married in 04. 13 years and 3 months later = it's all good.
Background: Aug. 1997- met Aug. 1997- engaged (it was 3 weeks later) Sept. 1997- moved in together Dec. 1997- married It's been almost 12 years & still together! I would NOT recommend it for everyone. To each their own. Tough topic as everyone has a different opinion on it. For us, it just clicked & worked out. I know others where it has gone the other direction.
Being one of the queen beeeees (from some previous posts) I'll have to show it to you one day. It's really cool, you'll have to pay attention. 8)
To me, there is no definitive answer...to each his/her own. I would not move in w/ DH before marriage bc that was my belief. We started dating 12/12/98, engaged April 99, married 12/11/99. We've had our bumps along the way but its worked!
Absolutely not. My (our) view is the Bible's view. No sex before marriage, period. Tell me it doesn't work. 30 years married in January. I was a teenager in the 70s and managed to get through it without dying.
My answer is...............it depends. My mother has been married an embarrassing number of times. I sincerely wish she had just lived with a couple of those yahoos. Obviously she has NO idea what she is doing, and would have been better off without the ceremony. Much easier to dis-entangle. However, DH and I did not live together prior to marriage and it has worked for 19 years. Tomorrow is another day, however. :mrgreen:
I agree with others, it just depends and I think if you do it needs to be with the understanding that marriage is in the future! I think it pays to learn about another persons habit before you say I do. We dated for a few years, lived together for a few years and have been married for 8 years now!! Love every minute of it!
I lived with my wife before we got married. We actually lived together longer then we were married. If I was ever to marry again I would not live with the woman until we married.
Couldn't stay quiet...surprise, surprise Ok... I couldn't stay quiet too long. I may have to put my flame suit on but a lot of people say you need to live with someone first to find out their habits and quirks, etc, but what if you don't like those things? Does that mean you weren't meant to be or you're just going to dump them? Would that really be a deal breaker? To me, it's the big stuff that matters. Not the small annoying things everyone has. The big stuff - do you want kids, what's your religion, financial debt, kids from previous marriage, views on politics, etc are all things that can be discussed before marriage and you don't have to live together to find those things out. If you are engaged long enough you should find out all the important things without moving in together. My husband has plenty of quirks, bad habits, annoying things he does, and I didn't discover most of them until after we were married, but would it make me wish I didn't marry him? Of course not! The little things to me... snoring, leaving wet towels on the bed, forgetting to change trash bag in the kitchen, not picking up, leaving soap at the bottom of the shower, etc (ha! Can you tell what gets on my nerves?) All his goodness makes up for those little insignificant things though.