HOW DAREEEEE YOUUUUU!!!!!! You didn't really think you'd need your flame suit for that did you? =P That post was sweet.
Trust me, I'm sure my hubby has a long list of annoying things I do. #1 on the list - posting personal info about him on a public forum! #2 - posting a naked man on a public forum ...:jester: #3...and the list goes on and on...
I never know anymore...:lol:... It's okay. I have diarreah of the fingers. I keep typing when my brain says stop. :lol: (that sounded gross - I'm sorry) I read in the Bible yesterday... talk less and listen more. I REALLY need to work on that.
I think everyone should be required to go through WEEKS, in not MONTHS of marriage counseling before marriage. That is single most important thing my husband and I did. We took that counseling seriously and we still live by the principals we learned.
i plan to live with my GF for a while before we head towards mawidge. I think if my parents hadn't just gotten divorced 25 years after diving head first into marriage, i'd probably be more likely to just dive in myself. It definitely made me more cautious, if not a bit cynical.
I was raised Catholic so of course you did not live together before marriage, nor did you do "those other things". Can't say I totally lived by those rules though. 1st marriage ~ we did not live together, although he stayed over night a few times...(would you believe me if I said he slept on the couch?) 8) 2nd marriage ~ we dated for about a year and then he started staying over and eventually moved in. We were together for 2 years before we got married. After a bad first marriage I wanted to be sure and so far.....we are still together, 10 1/2 yrs married, 12 years together. Done told my husband if something happens and I become single again....there is NO WAY I am getting married again...I will just either find me a sugar daddy or a boy toy and when I get tired of them, I can send them on their way. LOL
I lived with my ex-husband before we got married. Marriage was really nothing more than a piece of paper after that. We were married 2 weeks shy of 2 years... I refused to move in with my current husband before we were married, less because of my beliefs, and more because I wanted to be an example to my daughter. I never wanted her to be able to throw it in my face that we moved in together before we were married. We've been married 5 years. No, it's not easy, and yes, sometimes I want to kill him, but I still think we did it the right way.
It's all personal opinions/beliefs. We did not live together before we were married. I think it gets more complicated when children are involved. We lead by example.
No flame suit needed. Let's say (for example only) I met a nice guy he had his place I had mine, we waited until we were married before we lived together but he was a womanizer and a compulsive gambler and I had no idea? We get married and he's still doing those things... I'd kick that fool to the curb married OR not. SO! If we had lived together I would have noticed and not wasted anymore time on the DF. :cheers: Complete honesty, no skeletons in the closet. That's how DH and I did it. He knows EVERYTHING about me and vicea versa. Everyone's situation is different, who am I to judge?
:iagree::iagree: and also the Religious beliefs are correct also... that is the joy of life here... We can all choose what we want and feel is right... to each their own...
I tend to agree with this. Except I would hope I could have picked up on the womanizing and gambling even if we weren't living together. :mrgreen: I say the more information about the person going into marriage the better. Even the little things so you have the whole picture. I sort of regret that my husband and I didn't live together at least for a few months before we got married. It does make a difference sometimes.
But you didn't live together and I know why as do you... and would 2 months be enough of an indicator... in hindsight would you of done it differently?? I agree the womanizing would be easy to pick up on as would the gambling but it could be hidden easier than womanizing IMO...
This will make ya'll laugh, DH and I were married for 5 months BEFORE we ever lived together!! LOL. He was active duty in the AF, still in training and spouses were not allowed. People would ask me how I liked being married, I was like, I have NO idea, :lol:.
I'm just saying that I didn't know the little things. It wouldn't have made a difference about us getting married, but there wouldn't have been any surprises.
I think there would be a lot less divorce if people lived together first. The way the government treats married people maybe everyone should just shack up.