athletic acedemic performance is absolutley no indication of the overall university acedemic perforamce, and if you are looking at that as a rating guide you are really messed up.
and i just finshed a construction project, and know for a fact that WFU has dropped all acedemic requirements to get in. if you have $48,000 you get in. so, that does not mean much getting in.
Hard to tell when you make comments like "I pray she doesn't go there".....where the **** did you go to college?
I received both my degrees (with honors) from ECU and I'm very proud to be a pirate! I find it funny that I supposed went to ECU bc I couldn't get accepted into anywhere else...hmmm...I received acceptance letters from UNCW, UNCG, and a phone call from Barton. I chose ECU bc of their school of education being highly favored in this field.
your the one who said the 'prayed" your kid did not choose NC State while you were talking about the basketball graduation rate. that was you!
yes that was me and I still stand by that. I don't care what the basketball team does, I hope she doesn't choose NCSU.
Exactly! My son has his heart set on Va Tech. Thing I will probably cohost a show with Bindi, and Thing II will win a daytime emmy for her performance in "I cry at the drop of a freaking hat". And Wulf.. BACK OFF! :evil:
damn engineers anyways... :banghead: :jester::jester: Good thing there are guys like me out there picking them up... :jester::jester:
I talk to them everyday, thats how I formed my generalization. Seebee is just a tackhoe operator who likes to think that him moving dirt in the field for 30 years makes him smarter than the engineers. Same sad story.