Latest business news: Tiger has a new sponsor: Motel 6 Elin has been hired by Ping, the slogan, "Play the clubs that can beat Tiger!"
10 things Obama can learn from Tiger?,206538 OH NO, more jokes will be made over this one...
Screwed for life in OUR real life world. . .but there is a different standard for the rich and famous/infamous. Talk about coming out smelling like a rose. . .celebs are almost always forgiven by the people who sign their paychecks at least. . .Sports and La-La Land is full of second and third and even fourth chances for people who screw up. Winona Ryder Martha Stewart Debra Winger Britney Spears Hugh Grant Matthew McConaughey Michael Vick Whitney Houston Robert Downey Jr. and the list goes on. . . It doesn't matter what horrible thing people might do (ie Vick) - they manage to get themselves more chances than they usually deserve. Some make the best of it, while others continue to be f-ups.
this was it...but I can't take credit for making it, I just found it and knew it was perfect for our local squirrel-ness.
Found this on another forum. It happened during the Jacksonville/Texans game yesterday during a time-out.
Woman rushed to hospital from Woods’ home WESH: Female adult removed by firefighters ‘on advanced life support’
TMZ is reporting that it could be Elins mother, report was a middle-aged woman and her mother came into the country last Monday to be with her.
It's also confirmed by WESH in Orlando. According to the article she had stomach pains and is stable.