Lori beth, Thank you very much. At this point, the donations have almost been completely even. Either of these three families could be choosen if you'd like. I would just say, pick the one that calls out to you, and I firmly believe everything will fall into place. Please do not wrap the gifts. We typically try to deliver wrapping paper to the parents, as most like to wrap things themselves, plus you never know if Santa wraps in their house or not. When you buy gifts, the easiest thing for me, is if you just attach a tag (piece of paper, tape, etc) to the present that says something like Family #2, Boy #2. That way I know who it goes to. I work off the master list that is posted here. When you're ready to dropoff, you can email me at DaisiLou@aol.com, or call Harleygirl (Sandy) at 796-5284. Thank you again! Bandmom, Thanks!
Jen ~ we are going to be picking up a check from our insurance company tomorrow, (from Kyle's accident) and was wanting to send some $$$ to you instead of the little things I have here. Do I have to join paypal to send the money to you?
We won't be getting the money until tomorrow sometime and I have to head toward Lincolnton to pick up my future DIL, she is going to be spending some time with us, so do you think maybe it could be Friday sometime? I am not sure what time I will be getting back home tomorrow evening, so that is why I said Friday. Will that work ok? I am sorry if I am being a pain.....it has been a messed up week here for us, with Kyle having an accident and everything. Let me know!
Just got home and have to meet another 4042er up at Wells, so .... depending on the weather I'll be working Clayton and Garner tomorrow. Call me tomorrow since your house it kinda out of my way right at the moment. :lol:
Michelle, check your PMs. 4042'ers.... Thursday is the LAST day to drop off donations. We are still in DESPERATE need of at the very least, cash donations. You guys have always come through every year, please don't make me have to tell these families this year that although we said we'd help, we just didn't have enough donations. I know the economy has hit everyone hard, and I don't mean to sound like I'm begging......but......I am. If you have a spare dollar or two, please consider helping out your neighbors. The LAST day to make paypal donations is today. You can paypal money to me at DaisiLou@aol.com Myself or Harleygirl or Kaci will be glad to meet you somewhere in the 42 area to accept donations OR You can attend the fundraiser at Enoch Winery this Thursday from 1-6. Thank you.
I need to arrange a pick up for the gifts I got. I live near CDH. if someone wants to call me or email me (don't pm me I think it goes to my daughter's email address, when I registered it would not let me use mine so I had to sign up using hers, someday maybe I can figure out how to fix that). 779-0932 loriliner@aol.com thanks, Lori
I had that problem, so I got a 4042 e-mail address to use for the forum registration. Later, I discovered I had already registered here and forgotten about it, so I went to that profile, changed that one to an alternative e-mail address, and then changed the e-mail address on this account to my regular e-mail. I think I found the other account by saying (at login) I forgot my password and typing in my regular e-mail address. You might want to play around with that, maybe you have another account you have forgotten about too!
Bumping to remind everyone that tomorrow is the deadline and we are looking for a "Hail Mary" this year. Everyone is strapped, it has been a tough year for all but for some it has been even harder and those are who we are all helping this year so please if you haven't donated yet, please consider it. Merry Christmas and God Bless:grouphug: ps: thanks again to CDH, they once again donated gift certificates to give the parents a little break away time:cheers: (yeah i know i double posted but it is for a good cause)
4042'ers.... Today is the LAST day to make donations for the Christmas Angels project. Myself or Harleygirl will be glad to meet you somewhere to accept a donation. I CANNOT accept anymore paypal donations. I will not have enough time to transfer funds in order to get it to the families. Thank you.... Oh, and if you have time, don't forget that Enoch Winery's 4042 Christmas Angels fundraiser is today from 1-6. 20% of their sales will go towards the project. You can also drop off cash donations there. www.enochwinery.com
I wish I could go to the fundraiser but I won't be able to make it tonight. I hope it's very successful. God bless you Jennifer and HG and the rest who have worked hard to make this happen for these families. :grouphug:
Won't be able to make it to the fundraiser either....doing more baking with my soon to be DIL. Hope it is very successful. HG, thanks for coming by the other day and picking up my donations.