I can't comment on that seeing how I am currently avatar-less! I think your hat is in nice proportion to your head! Besides, it's better than the scary one you had!!:mrgreen:
RANT... 1) when your co-worker(s) pass the buck on work deligated to them and try to pass it on you. 2) when you are involved in a conversation and a third party tries to involve themselved when theu missed the first 5 min. of the conversation. RAVE... 1) thank you to the salesperson at macys that let me use a 25% off coupon when i asked the other cashier if she had one available and ignored my question. 2) thank you the gentleman that held the door open for me and my son that is in a stroller. 3) thank you to everyone that participates in any random kind act to any stranger.
Dear Teenage Daughter, If you liked me all the time, I wouldn't be doing my job. I'm sorry you hate me, but be careful what you say to people. If I got hit by a beer truck on the way home, you'd feel pretty crappy. I know your social life is important, but one day, you will realize that your grades trump that. And I don't care what everyone else's parents do. Chances are, they're a lot like me, and your friends don't really tell you everything that goes on in thier houses.... Love, Your stressed out Mom
Jennifer, Hope you don't mind if I save that to use with my teenagers later, if needed. Well stated! Hope your day gets better!!:grouphug:
It was a rough night at Jennifer's house. Apparently, I'm too hard on her, and none of her friends have parent's that are like me (ie. give a crap). Oh, and I've ruined her life.....
one of mine tells me that at least once a week...I love it, "no one else's parents care like you do Mom"....that's what they say. oh and I just don't understand..... :?
Oh, and I got the....."I'm going to live with my Daddy" speech last night too..... Fine, let's pack your bags.... Sigh..... How many more years of this do I have?
Get her a suitcase for Christmas. Really - if you want to call her bluff, just start talking about what weekends she'll come see you and who is going to drive her around to her activities and when you're talking about that camping trip next year with your favorite friends "Oh, but you probably won't be there for that". Start measuring her room to make room for Mini Me II's new playroom... You get the picture. lol
PRM and Cleo.... I <3 you both....lol Ah....she's a good kid, she's just got a smart *** mouth on her, and she's a teenager. Her job is to drive me crazy, mine is to ruin her life....
the last time my daughter tried that crap i called her bluff. i started packing her stuff and getting her ready to go......she never made that comment again.