Oh man, I so remember being on the opposing team. I just hope I can keep my game face on when my time comes to be in your shoes:neutral:.
Call some military schools and/or orphanages and ask them to send you some information and casually leave it on the table where she will see it :mrgreen:
OK. For one thing I am going to stop "thinking" I have things laying around that I need or know that someone ELSE may need and for some ODD reason it has DISAPPEARED into THIN AIR. I, from now on will just figure that I don't. And when I'm asked if I do, I will just say that I have no brain to think whether I do or not..... :evil: Also from now on, if I am going to be accused of doing something I haven't done, you best believe I will make DARN sure that I am guilty of it :twisted: If someone asks me a question like, "Did you say such-and-such about such-and-such?" And I answer, "No, I didn't". Do NOT reply with, "Yes you did!! I heard that you said, blah blah blah.." If you know the answer already, WHY THE $#$#& ARE YOU ASKING ME! It also shows me that I am being thought of as a liar....:evil: Bottom line, if you're so smart and you think you know the answer, than you should be brave enough to take your "thought" and run with it...DON"T ASK. :banghead: Disclaimer: The above, while very NONFICTIONAL, does not reflect my feelings to anyone here. No one here has or should be hurt in this production. :grouphug:
jennifer, take heart it does get a little better as they get older. I found a couple of things that worked with mine at the time: with my son I ordered the military school stuff, when he saw how much it cost and knew we were not gonna spend over $20,000 a year on tuition I let him overhear me tell my husband that his well to do grandpa would lend us the money. with my daughter one punishment that worked was chores. I made her do them with me one day, she never got a rest. everytime we finished one we would start another. I even made her clean her brother's room. our house was never so clean as that day, even cleaned closets, anything I could think of to keep it going. but the best with her was the computer. normally I would lock her out of getting on but she didn't care because when she went back on all her email and things were waiting for her. So I deleted her from everything!! when she found out she was hysterical since she then had to redo everything and find all her friends info again. that worked the best at the time, she was 12 or 13. now she's 21 and is actually my friend again.
I think I'm just going to lock her in her room till she's 30.... In all seriousness, she's a good kid. Active in church, and sports. Does charity work, takes care of her little sister, smart, etc.... It's just that dang'd mouth of hers, she doesn't know when to shut up! LOL
Rant: If you don't KNOW that you CAN turn right on red, you shouldn't drive. Rave: Had lunch with KC and I'm done working today. :hurray:
Rave - I don't know if I've just gone shopping on the right days, but people have been really friendly this year - the store employees and other shoppers. It makes shopping a pleasant experience this time of year.
Rave - All of my shopping has been pleasant as well. I have done just about every bit of it online with free shipping *and* I had 15.00 bucks in my paypal that I had forgotten about from doing online surveys.
:lol: I can't do all my shopping online. I'm addicted to the Christmas music and all the noise and lights at the mall. The problem is I get a little too shop-happy at the mall. I did buy a cool Marilyn Monroe book for my step-daughter online because it's not available anymore in the bookstores. I also ordered calendars for family I made with my girls' pictures from Shutterfly.com. I do that every year. They do an awesome job!