Dishwasher help!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by annatinnie, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. annatinnie

    annatinnie Well-Known Member

    I am really hoping that someone can help me here...with a husband and four boys the dishes are piling higher and higher and I am getting nothing accomplished in the house here!!!

    It will be two years in March that we moved into our new Scott Lee home in Smithfield. Overall I cannot complain too much. When we bought the house it came with the stove/oven/range/microwave and dishwasher from Sears (all appliances they provide are from Sears).

    Lucklily we had the dishwasher, as washing them all by hand is REALLLLLY impossible! My kitchen looks like Kansas after the wicked witch came through! Chasing four boys doesn't leave a LOT of time to tackle that task and all of my boys are really too young to trust that they would get everything clean (would have to just rewash, and they do other chores, so instead of doing double the effort in double the time I just hunker down every once in a while to wash them. UGH!

    The other day I started a load and the dishwasher started making this "grinding" noise that scared the CRAP out of me. I opened the door to check that nothing was going to catch fire or worse, but it seemed to look normal. The only "sign" I had of things being awry was that I felt my dishes weren't getting as clean as well.

    I went to unload the dishes at the end of the cycle, and noticed that the bottom of the basin still had standing water. I baled all of it, and took a look around, cleaned out the food trap, etc. On the surface I cannot figure out the problem and I'm not against taking the unit out from under the couter, either.

    Any suggestions for what I might look for to be the problem?? Symptoms are: at the first of the cycle it grinds VERY loud, isn't cleaning dishes well, and will not drain off the water that has never been there before when I was unloading.

    I'm up for anything more meals on paper just to sacrifice the amount of dishes.

  2. CrzyForBaseball

    CrzyForBaseball Well-Known Member

    Go to this site and forum.

    Post your problem, make and model of dishwasher and you will get some good advice. I've fixed my dishwasher using help from this site.
  3. Debyan

    Debyan Well-Known Member

    My mom had 6 kids and I was the dishwasher hehehe :D
  4. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    i was thinking the same thing people make it without the dishwasher :D hope she gets hers fixed though...
  5. GarnerHome

    GarnerHome Well-Known Member

    Some grinding is normal as the bottom of your dishwasher has a disposal. Perhaps something really hard is caught in there. Not sure how to get out. The other place I would recommend is See if anyone has similar symptoms.
  6. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    I don't know much, but, hey, this is the internet- I must be an expert!

    As GarnerHome mentioned, there is a drain/fill valve in your dishwasher. If you remove the bottom cover / kick plate you can probably find it by following the drain hose down from the approximate bottom center of your machine.

    AFTER you disconnect the power, you may be able to remove and clean / replace this valve and cure your problem; you may need to pull the dishwasher all the way out to access it.

    Or this could be totally irrelevant.

    Alternatively, I'd be happy to provide you with a cosmic crystal and a (legal!) magic powder that will cure all your dishwasher woes -GUARANTEED..for a small fee, of course...

    Good luck!
  7. Cakedec

    Cakedec Guest

    ever break a glass in there? if so you will probably find a piece found its way into the drain motor and got it in a bind.

    I found this only after buying a new dishwasher after Thanksgiving since we had to do all of them by hand on Thanksgiving.

    The new owner of our old washer is quite pleased with it as we are with our new one. arrrgh

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