From what I understand, Verizon hopes to convert Alltel customers fully to their phones and packages. When you renew your contract, if you do it per phone, you can keep your existing Alltel package...for the time being. If you allow them to talk you into a full switchover, you'll be switched to a Verizon plan. Currently, I have a regional package that was significantly cheaper than Alltel's national package. Since I do not travel outside the Carolinas or Georgia, the regional plan was for me and gave me 1200 minutes for $59.95 and $9.99 per phone on the package. The same price plan with Verizon knocks those minutes down to 700 and forces me to take a national plan that I don't need, because Verizon doesn't offer a regional plan. The only downside to a regional plan is the enormous roaming charges you can incur if you decide to travel to, say, New York or Florida for a trip. Forget that your package only covers North & South Carolina and Georgia and you'll owe your provider a few hundred dollars quite possibly. As for their customer service, I haven't had much experience with it. Their actual cellular service is great. Hardly ever a dropped call.
Girlfriend! Verizon customer here with 3 lines. :hurray: VERY HAPPY CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!! Love ya'll! Hope you & DH are doing GREAT!
Might be weather conditions, but I was able to get phone coverage and spotty 3G coverage in Autryville on Thanksgiving day.
I'm another one who has Verizon and there isn't a place that I've been that I've not gotten coverage. We were sitting on top of ***** Mountain this past summer and even had coverage though no one else did with their carriers - we do a lot of phone passing when we are in the Boone area so others can call home.
T-Mobile, here. Still have my old SunCom plan and they will have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers to change it. The service works fine, the customer service sucks elephant privates.
We used Boost for a while. You can pay $50 a month and have unlimited talk and text but it has the same crappy service as Sprint/Nextel. AT&T&st=cse Dont believe the Verizon hype.
Happy Sprint customer here. Only area I found to drop calls is where Barber Mill & Government Roads meet. I think they have the best service plans out there.
No hype, personal experience shows no issues with Verizon. My wife's experiance with AT&T (along with the folks in NYC & San Fran) say don't go there.
I hear ya, the article was referring to strictly data networks, phone service may be an issue. I can say from personal experience that for the most part I have had no problems with AT&T. I just didnt know how much the verizon 'map' commercials were influencing people when this shows its BS.
Just switched to Sprint after 5 years as an AT&T customer. So far service just as good and saved about 50% and upgraded to a Blackberry. Plus I called and told them I was a State Employee Credit Union member and saved another 12% off my bill.