Illegal Immigrants in the community colleges

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ima Sheltie, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Man, Hught and KDS, ya'll are really reaching on this one!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    exactly......these criminals shouldn't be allowed to breathe our air much less attend school.
  3. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    speeding doesn't make you an illegal citizen
  4. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    works for me
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I'm not asking for any special privileges or special considerations for them. When the idea was first proposed, the two arguments against it that made sense to me were (1) the taxpayers should not subsidize them and (2) they should not be allowed to displace citizens and legal residents in the classroom. Now that both of those issues have been addressed, the argument seems to be that, since they are here illegally, they should not be allowed to attend community colleges even if it does not harm to the system or the other students. What else should they not be allowed? Enforcement of immigration laws is not the responsibility of the community colleges; a number of other agencies have responsibility for that, and since we as a nation apparently do not have the will to enforce those laws, I don't see any harm in letting a few of them advance their education while they're here. If you want them all deported, you should be calling on the Immigration and Naturalization Service, not the community colleges, to do that.
  6. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    So.... how are they supposed to get to school since NC does not issue drivers' licenses to illegals anymore?
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Is it only those illegal immigrants from Mexico with whom you have issue? There are illegals from many countries.

    The argument of the positives that illegals provide has not been raised. What's the cost of lettuce, strawberries, etc going to be when illegals stop harvesting?

    People complaining about illegal immigrants would change their tunes, when lettuce goes to 25 dollars a head. And whether one pays that at Food Lion, or at their eating establishment of choice (which will pass along the higher costs) another effect of removing illegal workers will make its presence known.

    Consider the increased costs of construction, farming, and other areas whose workforce wages are kept low by use of illegals. Who benefits from that? Do the general contractors, farmers, and other business people benefit from not having to pay higher wages? Would the cost of the home you wish to buy be relevant if it increased 20%?

    I'd say that rather than the moral argument or normative value of illegal immigration as to illegal immigration being right or wrong, perhaps it would be clarifying to examine the issue from a positive argument, i.e. one that looks at economic factors that can be proved or disproved.

    Using the normative argument is a false one, as all of us break the law at one time or another, whether it's speeding or some other violation of the law. In my mind, law has no sliding scale. Being a law abiding citizen is a binary proposition. One either obeys all laws, or one is a law breaker.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
  9. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

    I have the perfect plan,

    All Illegals, ALL, regardless of race, are shipped the hell home,and thier brats too, too bad for them, sins of the father and all. period.
    All prisoners incarcerated in the U.S. will henceforth be put to work in the fields, planting and harvesting, helping to support the society they have wronged. Therebye supporting and paying back said society thru sweat and
    labor, and the added benefit is they help pay for their incarceration which costs TAX PAYERS roughly 30,000+ dollars a year per prisoner.

    There, thats my platform, Elect me.:jester::hurray:
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    In my opinion some speeders are a greater harm to our society.

    These "What part of illegal don't you understand" folks crack me up as if they never did anything illegal in their lives. What is that Christians saying? Let those without sin cast the first stone?

    By the way I know many Democrats that hold similar positions to yourself, so what you perceive as an insult really isn't. Although we don't all believe the same thing I will wear the badge of "Liberal" and "Democrat" proudly.
  11. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    good question
  12. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

  13. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Complete liberal BS. Get the millions abusing welfare out in the real world and send the illegals where they belong. Then I won't have to subsidize both of them.
  14. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    I agree with you that some speeders are a greater harm...., but that still doesn't make illegial immigrants legal. LOL. There you go with deflecting and destracting again. I'll be the first to tell you that I've done things that were illegal and if I got caught, I would expect to pay the price(and wouldn't cry about it). There is also a Christian saying to live by the law of the land. I wasn't trying to insult you, are Dems getting more sensitive? Is calling someone a Democrat an insult(maybe in your book) Hught, I really respect your arguments on many political polarties, but as someone said earlier, you guys are really reaching on this one.

  15. Well said.
  16. Just an observation...

    If this is true...

    ...there is no such person as one who obeys all laws. :mrgreen:
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Why are ILLEGAL aliens above the law? Since when do we get to pick and choose which laws need to be adhered to? Like someone else said, if I get caught speeding, then I will get a ticket and my insurance may go up. Consequences. Yet if you are an illegal alien, there are no consequences?
  18. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member


    FUNNYFACE Active Member

    You know the Bible tells us not to judge. Any immigrant that I see in this Country have always been working hard. You are not better then them because you were blessed enough to be born in America. Put yourself in their shoes and if you were over in a country that was not a good place to support yourself and your family you would do anything you could to find a better way.Do not act like you are superior to people because of where you come from. Your poop stinks the same way theirs does! God wants us to LOVE ALL PEOPLE. I come on and read and it never stops amazing me how great you think you folks are compared to others!! I feel blessed to have met many immigrant children and want them to make it in this world and have a chance at making the world a better place as i want your kids to. I want to let people have the same advantages as my kids do. As for taxes and money spent on them I know many immigrants who would be happy to pay taxes and insurance. We are to stubborn to open our eyes though. I hear about a couple bad immigrants here and there but no more then I hear about a few Americans either! Grow up!
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Yes, the insurance industry does seem to encourage divergent interests. Amazing who profits from the industry. If the insurance industry wanted to be fair, would it not strive to become a zero sum game...taking in only what they need to pay out? But, conservatives and entrepreneurs admire a profit taking scheme. They want to buy low and sell or resell high. I don't dismiss this economic argument.

    By law, the state requires "X" amount of insurance in license and operate a motor vehicle. Other than weak offsets by the Insurance commission and comparatively low payouts for claims, the industry makes a tidy profit. They operate in much the same fashion, economically, as builders, farmers, manufacturers...everyone in the market who seeks to produce goods and services and make a profit doing so.

    As for dismissing the argument by relegating it to "lettuce" humor, the numbers of crops and foodstuffs that illegals harvest, and produce is considerable. One doesn't find many legals willing to work for those low wages. That price differential between what a legal worker would work for and those who are happy to have any employment is a distinct one.

    Same for construction crews. In my experience, the builders who hire the illegals in this area get more than they pay for. Roofers and electrical workers seem to work at a more rapid pace with quality work. Yet, for their rate of pay, one finds few legal workers willing to work at that pace for the same wages.

    One can factually argue that the big name builders and developers who sell a home for "X", have enjoyed a better profit by using less expensive laborers than using more expensive ones.

    Looking at the insurance industry, one can also see the for profit interests. If the state mandates "X" dollars, why is one company able to significantly offer lower rates than another.

    I have been a USAA member for over 30 years. Why is it that when I am approached by another insurance provider soliciting my business, that they admit from the start that they can't compete. One would think, in a normal profit environment that if a company offerw the lowest rates, there must be a corresponding offset..not as good service, etc. Yet, USAA is rated among, if not as, the best rated insurance company. They provide a level of service and coverage that others can only dream of providing. And one can not argue that the coverage is provided to an uber select group. USAA offers insurance to veterans, active duty, Reserve and Guard, family members of those above, etc. Most of us in the 4042 area qualify.

    In the example of construction, let me share the following:

    I saw a crew start to roof a home. They started at 0800. At 12, they stopped for their lunch break, sitting on the tailgate of the vehicle. I walked over to see if one of them might happen to have some electrical tape, as I couldn't find mine. Although not conversant in Spanish, I can communicate. I noticed that the crew had nothing to drink, so after we chatted, one gave me the length of tape I needed to get the job done, and I returned with 5 bottles of water for them. The retrune4d to work promptly at 12:25. At 5, they performed a police call around the house to pick up the trash and construction stuff, rolled the magnet to ensure no screws or nails, and departed. The only way one would know they were there, for that short period of time, was that there was a brand new roof on a 2000 square foot house. Only el jefe, the boss, spoke any English. Yet they understood me and appreciated the water.

    No doubt, the contractor who sold the roofing job made some good coin, and paid quite a bit less to the crew, as they told me what they were paid for the job.

    So, if these folks disappear, in every area they serve, the community needs to be ready to pay huge increases.

    That is inarguable. You can belittle the idea, and in doing so, hope the attempt and subsequent laughter deflects the facts. It does not.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009

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