Illegal Immigrants in the community colleges

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ima Sheltie, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Somebody needs to back the truck up and take a breath. I am certainly no better than anyone else and thank God regularly I was born in the good 'ole USA. However, we cannot pick and choose which laws we choose to abide by. If immigrants come here legally, I applaude them, it's the ones who come illegally I have an issue with. If you feel so strongly that illegals should be given some sort of special pass, then perhaps you need to run for office and change the laws first.
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Those who obey the law ARE ABOVE those that don't.

    The end.
  3. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Still BS.

    Regular Americans used to work this way until Uncle Sam started coddling everyone. Kill the welfare loopholes....and you'll be surprised how folks will suddenly become eager to work over ...say....starving. That's the mindset latinos bring to the US. In their world, it's either work or not eat. Here, it's be a sorry as you can be and beg Uncle Sam to take care of you.

    As for profits, sure the prices are a little lower but let's not pretend the savings are being passed on to the consumer. When you put more people out to work instead of on their *****, the job market will allow for low wages....except now they will speak English and they will be legal citizens.

    It's no coincidence that illegal immigration spiked after welfare and "gubmint programs" increased. The unskilled and lazy American has it made in the shade compared to every other country in the world, and subsequently has encouraged hard working illegals to come here and take the vacant low wage jobs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2009
  4. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Quite a long winded post that said absolutely nothing; like normal.

    I am a hard worker. The difference is I have to give part of my money to the government so these illegal immigrants can have medical care, food stamps, and other things.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I got a few questions for those of you who keep throwing out that American's won't do lowly jobs..............

    Ever worked fast food?............................ I have for a whole $3.15/hr.

    Ever worked production in a sewing factory?....................... I have worked out to be about $250 a week. Woo hoo! That was some big money for literally working my fingers to the bone!

    Waited tables?............................. I have for $2/hr and tips.

    Ever milked a cow, shoveled ****, been out at 3:00 AM freezing your *** off in snow up to your knees for those cows? ............................... I have. It was a family farm and those cows were the livliehood for a whole bunch of us.

    So back off the whole Americans won't do those sort of jobs, because this American has and has a whole lot of salt-of-the earth family that still do. I am not ashamed of any of them. They all provided a stepping stone to the next job and I'd do each and every one of them again if it meant putting food on the table.

    Like others have stated, it's the ILLEGAL part you can't get around.

    Not a blessed one of you liberals has answered that question. Because you don't HAVE an answer about which laws we can pick and choose to obey.
  6. Since when does loving someone excuse them from doing something illegal? Yes, God wants us to love all people. That includes everyone here on 4042. That includes those who (in your opinion) judge unfairly. So, show a little love. Practice what you preach.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2009
  7. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

    I apologize for making what could conscrued as a personal attack, I got carried away, on this subject. so I deleted it.
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I applaud your work ethic. I would venture that most of us could speak of a similar upbringing or set of circumstances growing up.

    Yet, you probably don't work for those wages now. We all started our somewhere near the bottom, doing what we could to feed ourselves and help others who depended on our doing these jobs to help them. These workers are doing just what you did, starting at the bottom and working to achieve a better set of circumstances that those with which they started.

    Moreso, they come here with the knowledge that they will work hard, be paid little, and likely face arrest and deportation, if caught. And yes they are sometimes mistreated and exploited, by people like us. Still, their desire to support themselves and their families overwhelms this risk.

    As to the idea that we can not pick and choose which laws will be obeyed, with all due respect, but we do that consciously and forethought every day. We choose to speed. We choose to drive under the influence. Some choose to not pay taxes or to take illicit drugs.

    As I said, All due respect for your circumstances. I am glad, as I 'm sure you are, that we don;t have to do those things. I know that we would, if circumstances required.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  9. redtangsoo

    redtangsoo Well-Known Member

    I applaud your work ethic. I would venture that most of us could speak of a similar upbringing or set of circumstances growing up.

    Yet, you probably don't work for those wages now

    Haha, actually, I make less now than I did digging ditches and climbing into septic tanks. The funny thing is about your posts is you seem to make ILLEGAL Immagrants out to be some type of Noble downtrodden workers, when they are not at all. :banghead:
  10. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    You still haven't addressed the fact that they are here illegally. I don't care if they swoop down from the heavens to end crime and hunger.....they are still illegal.

    We are a nation of laws and they are to be followed. Having a great work ethic does NOT excuse law breaking. Look up the hispanic % of DUI arrests in Wake County relative to their population % and then tell me we should all welcome them since they are such "hard working yet exploited little angels."
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hat I am sorry, but your posts on this subject make my breakfast difficult to keep down. We are NOT going to see eye to eye on this, obviously. :beathorse:

    Some of us were born into diffucult circumstances, some weren't. That does not make one or the other any more noble, myself included. To trot out a tired old saying, it is what it is.
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I don't see them as more or less noble than any other person. I admire the work ethic that many of us share, as they do. I admire the sense of family and close community, whether it's for survival or out of a sense of extended family.

    There is a continuing refrain about their being illegal and should be subjected to criminal penalty, etc. I don't disagree. I would submit that if there are resource constraints, I believe that the LEOs have more than enough crimes that they can pursue, before they work their way down to illegal immigration.In the grand scheme of things, their being illegal affects me less than other crimes.

    In the pantheon of crimes that affect us, illegal immigration is far down the list.
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  14. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member


    I thought the police took an oath to uphold all laws equally, not rank them in most/least important.
  15. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    This is why we have Marxists in Washington. People like this vote.
  16. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Good grief man, being illegal is the FIRST crime they commit!! I have said it 1000 times on here, I can completely understand WHY they want to come here. Some of the finest, hardest working folks I know ARE immigrants, but to the best of my knowledge, they came LEGALLY. Life sucks, sometimes it really does, but two wrongs do NOT make a right. I am not sure why that is so hard for some to understand. :beathorse:
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I think I understand your position, I just don't agree with it.
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Ok, then I am going to start deciding which laws I want to obey on a given day, and which ones I don't and see how far that gets me. :cheers:
  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I believe that was my point in my original post in the thread, I see it every time I drive in North Carolina, I am sure a lot of those drivers also flirt with a number of the laws outside their automobiles in addition to behind the wheel.

    Personally I try to obey all the laws.

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