What are you Grateful for

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but I'm so grateful for my grandma. I'm going to miss her one day. I wish my other cousins would have spent time with her over the years. Most of them don't even return her phone calls. What goes around comes around. They'll see what it's like one day.
  2. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    There are so many things I am grateful for....my husband and my kids, my parents and the fact they are both still living, my grandmother (who is still living ~ in her 90's), all my aunts and uncles, my friends, my 4042 family, my "adopted" families. I am thankful that my husband still has a job, even though I am without, I am so grateful and thankful for all of our military, past/present/future. I am grateful to be a live and loved.
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Daily I am thankful for the fact my worst nightmare has not come true. To lose everything and everyone I know and love and to be just another crazy old man living under a bridge and holding a sign saying 'Will work for food". You know the ones I speak of. The ones who we all see on the corner and turn our eyes away from. But the nightmares and fears continue. But everyday I am not there I am thankful.

    I am also very grateful that I still have both my parents. I am grateful for my friends and family.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'm grateful that just having a little faith made it possible for 4 local families to have Christmas presents under the tree.

    I'm grateful for the spirit of charity on this board and in this community.

    I'm grateful that although this has been one of the toughest years of my life, things seem to have started calming down.

    I'm thankful for a husband that loves me, in spite of my faults.

    I'm thankful for two healthy children.

    I'm thankful for my own health, and that of the ones I love.

    I'm thankful for friends that I could call at 3am if I needed to, who would never bat an eye, but would show up and say, "What do you need?"

    I could go on, but I'll stop for now....
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Wow, where to start.

    I am thankful and grateful for:

    My husband who puts up with all my gemini personalities and continues to love me more for it.

    My 2 loving boys that are my saving grace

    My sister who makes me laugh every day and loves me unconditionally.

    My BF Kimmie, who loves me no matter how different we are and never judges me.

    My friend A.Y. for being my long lost twin that knows just where I'm coming from no matter what I say or how I say it

    My MIL and FIL for all their love, support and friendship

    The job that I sometimes hate even though I shouldn't

    The friends that I have in my life who I can call any time of the day or night.

    Health & love in abundance.

    God's constant voice in my head that tells me to calm down and I'm doing the right thing when everyone else is screaming at me on the outside that I'm doing it all wrong.
  6. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I'm grateful for everything. For without the bad there would be no way to define good. I'm overly grateful for my child and how proud she makes me.

    OH yea ....... and I'm really really really grateful there's only one Wulf!!!!!! :jester::jester::jester:
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I am first thankful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon me and my family. I'm not going to say that life is always perfect or its been easy all the time. We've had financial issues and health issues here and there, but it could be a lot worse and obviously there are blue skies behind grey clouds. I am thankful for my own good health and pray for both my continued health and those of my family.

    I am grateful for a Savior who loves me and my family (Christ Jesus), a loving wife and son, to still have my parents to love and learn from, a job, home, to be able to continue to provide for my family, food on the table, and so much more. I am also grateful for my son's wisdom and his kind heart that I give God credit for giving him. On the night he was born, I asked God to give me the ability to help him grow into the man He wanted him to be. He's not perfect and he has his hang-ups, but I know that he has love and kindness for others. One of the greatest blessings is when I hear compliments about him days or weeks later of something he did for a friend at school or something that he did that I would have been proud of even finding out from him and yet he kept it to himself. I say this without intending to sound boastful, but rather giving God the glory for what I do have.
  8. back on it

    back on it Guest

  9. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    ...that the dems will lose power in congress next year.
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Pat, if you read the original post again, you will see i did speak of the birth of Christ. My intention was not to say we should not be grateful for the birth of our Lord but to get people to think outside the box. I, like a lot of you, the first thing that comes to mind when asked what i am grateful for at this time of year is of course the birth of Christ, that is why i asked to think of something that is not religion related, to me being grateful for that is a given. Just was throwing the opportunity out there for folks to think about what else they are grateful for during these hard days and times.:grouphug:
  11. ahlsmiles

    ahlsmiles Well-Known Member

    I'm grateful for my health, my husband, my friends, the life that God has provided for me. This message board. I could go on and on..
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    soooo, what are the rest of you grateful for? Think about something that does not come immediately to mind.
  13. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I am grateful for my two tripod dogs. They mean so much to me.
  14. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    Im thankful that the lord our savior allowed me to wake up this morning, then he let me take a shower, he combed my hair, put deodorant on me and made me look presentable to the world. He then allowed me to drive to work again and he made sure there wasnt much traffic, then he left a good parking spot for me. I didnt even have to pray for all this to happen. Thank you Jesus.
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes NY9, he gave you a brain and common sense so you could set your alarm for a reasonable time, get up, make yourself presentable, and leave your house on time so you could drive responsibly to work. ***.
  16. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I am thankful for my life and all that surrounds it - good and bad.

    ...and the ability to ignore at will.
  17. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I am grateful that my dad is still alive at 80 and now in NC so I can see him whenever I want. We haven't lived near each other for 24 years, and it warms my heart to hear his voice and feel his hugs and hold his big ole calloused farmer hands. No matter how old I am, I'll always be a Daddy's girl.
  18. That is so sweet. :grouphug:
  19. ARodrigues

    ARodrigues Well-Known Member

    You have two? Thats interesting..Did you adopt them?

    Not to spark an immigration debate, but my husband was in immigration limbo and was in Brazil for most of the year waiting on a decision on our case. A denial would have meant our next 10 years were in rural Brazil, but we were approved. I'm thankful for the decision (although I had put it in God's hands). I'm thankful for my parents' help while I played single mother during that time. I'm thankful that, like I expected, my husband and I used this process to appreciate each other more. I'm thankful to have found a job that I enjoy so quickly in this economy. I'm thankful for the health of my family.
  20. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    Good for you. I have talked to a few people that work in my industry that have been struggling with the immigration process. People ***** because they say people come here to work and then send all the money back home. From talking with these people, the last thing they want is to work here while being away from their family but due to the immigration process, somehow one family member gains citizenship while the other(s) are stuck in the process.....for years.

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