Illegal Immigrants in the community colleges

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ima Sheltie, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    What people like yourself seem to ignore time after time is the fact that ther is a method in place, that does work, that would allow these illegal's to come to America and be legal. They, with your support, choose not to come here in the accepted manner.
  2. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I find your compassion admirable. It's a trait that our cynical society is gradually loosing. Reasoned and applied, it paints the picture of who we really are.

    But, I think that family is leaving out a few facts in the story they gave you. I question the odds of his making it all the way to Graduate School without learning he was an illegal. Where did he get his Social Security number .... what has he been using for a birth certificate .... and ... he would have been notified at the point of registering for military duty. Or, did he register at all? Way too many checkpoints in our system to go 20+ years without knowing the truth.

    If by chance the story is true; I agree that some type of consideration should be made to keep that family together.

    FUNNYFACE Active Member

    I agree that would be the route to take of coarse but I am just saying that if your family was over there suffering what would you do. You would fight for your family:) Why the violins, this is not my story I was blessed enough to be born here:confused:

    FUNNYFACE Active Member

    People should quit getting angry at a group of people who are trying to do something for their family and start getting mad at the way the snakes on both sides are running this country! They are the ones taking every ones money!!
  5. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    What are we? a big poor folk daycare?

    not our problem.....maybe their government should do more to help their people instead of blaming the US for their ills while encouraging people to come here illegally.

    What does it say about a country when its economy is dependent on the exportation of its own citizens? To hell with them.
  6. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Please stop embarrassing yourself. You are either incredibly naive or ignorant of the facts.

    Merry Christmas
  7. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I agree bullying is not the way. And, I'll give you the benefit of doubt if you can tell me what we can do to change the negative impact that illegals have brought upon us.

    Please start with telling us how all the construction workers who were forced out of the industry from low wages can get their jobs back.
  8. ARodrigues

    ARodrigues Well-Known Member

    I assure you that not only do I know this family personally, I'm all too familiar with Immigration Law regarding families. If you are in doubt, do some research on false claim to US citizenship. This is not a "heard it through the grapevine" kind of story and it's not the only one like it. It is not difficult for an illegal immigrant to lead an almost-normal life in the United States, and at that time it was significantly easier. Before obtaining a green card, my husband owned a business, paid taxes, owned a home, had a driver's license, had health insurance and lived his life with me much like any other American.
    As I said before, I am not here to argue with those of you who are strongly against immigration. But I can show that "doing it the right way" is not as easy as boarding a ship to Ellis Island as most of our ancestors did, either.
    How many times had someone come across my story and asked me "Doesn't your husband automatically get citizenship because you are married (or because he has a U.S. born child)? Nope, only in the movies, and we're fine with that. We had hoops to jump through, and we did. But not everyone has that option.

    I'm not looking for sympathy for myself or anyone else in this situation. I'm not saying all illegal immigrants are saints. I'm saying do a little research. See th other side. Our immigration system has no way for these people to do things the right way at this time. There is no "line" to get in to be legal.

    I've heard people say that they should go serve active duty and then work towards legal status. Alot of them would, but the military does not allow them to sign on without legal status, either.

    I am closing my office early today, so Merry Christmas, everyone!
  9. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    not one time has anyone here said they were against immigration.

    and yes, there is a line to get into to be legal, people do it all the time.

    try this link. for someone who purports to be so intimately familiar with immigration law, you say alot of ridiculous stuff
  10. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    What? There is a line? And a process? All this time I thought it was just a turnstile. :jester:
  13. This thread just keeps on going... :lol:
  14. back on it

    back on it Guest

    :nopity: :banghead::banghead::banghead:
  15. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

  16. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    But the US military does allow some immigrants, non-citizens, with green cards and temporary visas, to serve in the US military.....then grant citizenship in as little as 6 months.
  17. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Stolen from a friends website

    You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal".
    Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California .

    Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

    Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".

    Now pay attention...

    Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

    Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

    Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.

    Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

    Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

    Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

    Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.

    Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

    Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

    Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200.00.

    Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, etc.

    Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.

    Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

    Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

    Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch.

    Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.

    Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

    Do you get it, now?
  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    well that example is as plain as the nose on your face, but don't bet on it...
  19. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    "There are three types of lies: lies, d*mned lies, and statistics", according to Mark Twain.

    Source of the numbers given?

    If they are purely for illustrative purposes, why not preface the example with that statement. I'm sure that with use of "creative accounting", one could demonstrate that X = Y, as well. As an example, and purely for an illustration of statistics. Suppose there are two men and four women on an island. Presuming that one man can only marry one woman, is it illustrative that 100 percent of the men can marry 50 percent of the women?

    Find a credible fact source that we can agree upon, and let's discuss. I'm thinking between Fox and MSNBC.

    Let's examine the facts, and not the truths.
  20. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Since you get bogged down with what lunch line a student is able to use when they have forgotten their card, even though there are rules for that very thing, I hardly think stating a source would make a difference.

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