What was your funniest/strangest/most unique Christmas gift? My husband gave me a bra from Victoria's Secret. I've never had anyone buy me a bra. I laugh thinking about my husband in Victoria's Secret. Anyway, the bra is one of those super-padded ones that's supposed to make your boobs look two sizes bigger. Hmmmm... Is he trying to tell me something? :lol: I actually wore it today and I laugh every time I look in the mirror. He says it's not noticable but it is to me. I feel like Dolly Parton's little sister.
Well,my gift wasn't funny or strange..........but I found the gift odd...... I am a turtle lover. My SIL was so thoughtful, she got me a Kermit the Frog purse. I know its the thought that counts...... but 1. Kermit is a FROG and 2. I'm not twelve! Ok, I feel better now
I received Aqua Globes from my boss this Christmas...was supposed to have 2 in the pack, and there was only one. Not only was there dirt caked on the box itself, but it was all over the 1 globe in the box. Talk about knowing how someone feels about ya....that made me feel pretty lousy. I know it's the thought that counts, but geez, why bother with anything.
I got a cold. :banghead: Anyway..............I gave DH a ride in a WWII era T-34 Airplane. The flight was supposed to be today, but it's too cold and windy. Hopefully tomorrow. It is 26 degrees up here in VA and windy as hell. Still have several inches of snow on the ground too. BRRRRR!
A Barbie Doll wearing a bavarian dress from a friend of mine,even though I'm German and barbies originated as sex dolls in Germany I still don't know what to do with the thing :?
OMG, I never knew that! It sounds so much like an urban legend, I had to google it, and it turns out to be the one time in a hundred my BS meter gives me a false alarm. :lol:
Yep,just imagine all those barbies great-grandmothers having started out as sex dolls :lol: here's a link to clear things up http://www.salon.com/life/feature/1997/11/26harlot.html
One year, I received an odd gift that was received graciously, however. It was a plastic candle holder (it has a hole in the top anyway) that looks like a book on its end with a dog and a pocketwatch molded into the plastic. It came from a beloved uncle and his wife that was having a bit of financial difficulty that particular year. At first I wondered what could have given them the reasoning to get that of all things for me. BUT...it has sat on my desk for several years and it holds paper clips. It sits there day in and day out and everytime I think about it, I think of them and the many things that they (mostly my uncle) have done for me over the years. Lesson learned: Even the smallest, insignificant gifts can have a purpose and meaning if not overlooked.
My grandma gave my brother a beard trimmer and he doesn't have a beard!!! That's very typical of her though.
I got some lotion from Bath and Body works that smells like play doh. That's ok though, I got a diamond