Caring for the Homeless - a way we can help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Christmas Letter from Church in the Woods

    As I think back on the year of 2009, I am amazed again at what the goodness of the Lord has done! We have seen a steady stream of people saved, healed, encouraged, and set free of all kinds of bondages, addictions, pain and sufferings.

    People who have been in despair, depression, hopelessness, and mental illnesses have come into the peace and wholeness of the Lord. Recently, at about 1am on the night shift, we found a lady sleeping on the sidewalk in the bar district downtown. The police were about to chase her away.

    There is no rest for the weary and nowhere to go.

    It was very cold, so we wrapped her in a blanket and moved her into a corner of the building out of the wind. As we were praying for her, we noticed that she was very mentally ill. As are many others, she wanders the streets in a state of confusion. There was such a blankness in her eyes.

    The next day she came to our meeting at Moore Square. The Lord led us to just hold her and rock her and pour the love of God into her. After about half an hour, she was able to lay down her sins, cares, burdens, and emotional pain at the cross. She came back into reality and gave her heart and life to Jesus declaring Him to be the only Lord of her life. Immediately the release of holy joy came through her. As she laughed and laughed with the joy and wonder of being His, the Lord continued healing her inner being. The next day a man had a similar mental and spiritual healing with his salvation.

    Another great source of my rejoicing is seeing what God is doing in the church bodies of this area! More and more groups are coming out of their buildings, going into the streets, into schools, stores and everywhere to show the love of God to the people. God is really speaking to the body of Christ that it is time to be doers of His word. The Army is mobilizing and taking ground! One person at a time, lives are being changed. One street at a time, the city is being transformed! We are learning how to reign with Christ! By our absence, we had abdicated the city to the enemy, especially at night. But no more!

    I have been blessed to speak in more churches and schools. Also to go to other cities and countries to share the servant heart of Christ and to pray for the return of their areas to the foundation of the Lord. Another strong theme that is on the heart of the Lord, is that we pray for the return of TRUTH. The sins of this land have placed it under strong delusions. I went with an intercessory team this year to Las Vegas, Chicago, Latvia, and Finland.

    You are all invited to come and pray with us in January. Every year we gather for the first 10 days of the New Year. We pray and fast and meet together at 7pm at my house at 4701 Forestdale Road, Raleigh, 27603. We lay down our lives, plans, and ministries before the Lord. We worship Him and wait upon Him for the equipping and help and strength that we will need in the new year. We receive direction and guidance.

    If you cannot fast from food you can ask the Lord what else you can do. Some fast from tv and distractions from prayer, or maybe, sugar or soda.

    May the Lord bless you richly as you joyfully serve Him in 2010!
    Alice McGee

    Church In The Woods
    4701 Forestdale Road
    Raleigh, NC 27603


    We have added kids ministries this year—targeting those in drug, gang and at risk neighborhoods

    Continued search and rescue missions in the streets and woods

    Added ministries and neighborhood prayer walks and drives

    Increased ministry in the bar districts and on the night shift

    Worked with more churches to adopt meals and ministry in poor neighborhoods

    Turned over neighborhood ministries to locals and churches as the Lord provided

    (We are always trying to put ourselves out of business)

    Helped a lot of people get out of homelessness.

    Continued to serve over 1500 meals a week and give out tons of blankets, coats, clothes, household goods, toiletries and lots of other stuff.

    Began prayer driving rich areas as they need Jesus too!

    Helped other cities start a Church in the Woods type ministry
  2. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Alice Mcgee is a fantastic speaker ...

    ... for any group!

    She will make herself available to your group.

    Just give her a call.

    She lit a fire at my church that continues to burn, praise God!
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Turner Memorial Baptist church (on hwy 50) is going downtown to feed and give out warm clothes to the homeless and needy this Sat 1/9. If you have gently used warm coats, scarves, gloves, thermal underwear, fleece shirts/pants, sweaters most anything to keep a person warm - you can bring it to the church at noon, we'll be leaving at 12:30.

    Please don't bring a bunch of clothes or things that are torn or worn-out looking. This is not a used clothes drive - we're really trying to help these folks stay warm. :)

    You can PM me if you need more info - thanks!
  4. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I have some of my nieces coats that she outgrew and I am not sure what else there is, but will look and see. I will also check with my brother and see if they have anything they might want to give, if you want them. Let me know.
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Could I drop something off there today or tomorrow? I know at most small churches, there isn't anybody there most of the time, but if there's a time today or tomorrow that someone will be there, I'll try to make it over there then.
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    as far as I know, there's no one there during the week. the church offices have actually moved to a bldg on our 'new' property, just down the road. If the weather isn't bad - I suppose you could leave them earlier in the day on Sat if that would help, just put them close to the door, under the covered drive-thru. thanks!
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    sure! we'll take whatever and if there are things left over we'll either store it for another trip or donate them to Basic Needs.
  8. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    The youth pastor lives down the street from me KDs, I bet you could drop them off at his house? Bandmom, you think that would be okay?
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    are you sure? they moved a few months ago.
  10. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Isn't his name Jason?
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    yep - but they're off Old Drug store rd now, not near Shiloh (and I think thats the area where you live?).
  12. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I go up and down Old Drug Store Rd all the time, if it would be OK to leave my stuff at his house, please PM me the info! Thanks.
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Hmm, well they had the Christmas decorations up?
  14. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    musta been your new neighbors! :lol:
  15. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    well - since this was my idea (to post it here) I'd rather not drag him into it - plus, I have no idea what his schedule is, sorry.
  16. ARodrigues

    ARodrigues Well-Known Member

    My family and I were talking about the best way to help with the Church in the Woods, without having alot of money to spend. We are going to check over the website tonight and see how we might fit best..
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    OK, no problem, I understand. 8)
  18. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Went by the large homeless camp at Poole and I-440 on the way to Wilmington this afternoon. I try to stop by often. Took the guys 2 sacks full of McD's burgers.

    They had some pinto beans cooking on a homemade wood stove.

    I saw 4 of the guys I have met before and they all remembered me. They call me "Mr. Rogers" out of respect since I usually show up in uniform.

    They had a good supply of firewood and some wood pallets that they bust up for the stove. A 3-sided wind break made from tarps helped a lot.

    One of the older guys was looking a little worse than last time. You could read it in his face. He's a small fella, so most of his caloric intake goes just to keep him warm and cover the basic survival needs. Not much else left for healing.

    I always try to have some sort of devotion or spiritual conversation with them b4 I leave. We talked about the cold spell and how this, too, shall pass. I related that to their current circumstances and, as Believers, that this life they are enduring will also pass.
  19. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    A group of us visited the Poole Rd. camp today, felt sorry for the guys, it was a wet and dreary day. Alice, from Church in the Woods, met us there (super sweet lady and the guys are obviously fond of her) and we brought them some homemade food and bags of supplies (from things Alice's website says they can use). Unfortunately we did not have any wet weather gear, maybe next time. They were very appreciative of everything we brought.

    Thanks Kent for bringing Alice, her cause, and the Poole Rd. camp to our attention.
  20. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    cece: outstanding! Thanks to you and your group for reaching out.

    Alice is a living Saint in my book.

    We take so much for granted and it is a humbling experience to visit one of these camps and talk the the men & women who live there.

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