I tried to watch this American Idol, but I can't seem to get past that Ryan Seachrist guy. He is such a tool. His cohosts can't seem to stand him either, on that show that is on the E! network. Maybe Paula Abdul is gone, but maybe it would interesting to see how Ellen will do on this show...
I guess he is cute but it is more his attitude I think. Kinda smug, like he thinks he is God's gift to women. Maybe God's gift to men? I unknow...I guess the word "pompous" comes to mind . JMHO
Alot of guys seem to have that attitude these days. Those are certainly the ones to watch out for..Nonetheless, Ryan's still cute..lol
Ryan is cute. Last nights show was good! there are going to be a lot of talented guys (the one with cancer...helllo....dreamboat and can sing like a bird). I enjoyed it last night. Seems as though there weren't as many 'made fun of' last night as in the past....hopefully they'll have some tonight.
My favorites last night were both guys. The tall guy that had the "Jim Morrison stance" and the guy in the green shirt that sang Rascal Flatts.
I agree - I kept looking at her and thinking something just isn't right - scary to think the camera added 10 pounds on her and she still is that small
Ok..soo..the Police officer from TN, he's got it going on. Think I like him better than the cancer guy from last night. Told my mom I needed to go to Sevierville. Considering we're in Pigeon Forge alot, might have to take a trip to Sevierville just to find him next time.. :jester:
Pants on the ground Pants on the ground Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground With the gold in your mouth Hat turned sideways Pants hit the ground Call yourself a cool cat Lookin' like a fool Walkin' downtown with your pants on the ground :jester:
And, as Cowell said about his performance, words to the effect that the song will become popular... Fairly sure the video of it will go viral..jsut hope the General gets some of the revenue from it.
I have been trying to figure out why a 62 year old was allowed to even audition, although he was funny as all get out. The very last few minutes with Randy singing with him was hysterical...:lol: