What are the best smelling candles? As they burn? There are a blue million candles that smell nice but which are the best while they burn? We dropped about $80 at Yankee Candle at the pottery just before Christmas and what I have is nearly gone. (except for two that DH picked out. I don't want to burn them unless he's home to smell them). I have found that the Beeswax Candle Collection that FL sells are pretty good for scenting the air but the selection is small. I usually go by the rule, you get what you pay for, but that doesn't ring true for "Harbor Light" candles made by Yankee Candle (sold at BJs). They have the Yankee Candle price but not the Yankee Candle room filling scent. And do candles loose their potency after sitting on the store shelf for too long? That was what I was thinking about Yankee Candle at the Pottery. Their newest candles in stock are the seasonal ones, like Christmas. They had some that being discontinued. Basically, from what the guy showed and told me, the only thing changing was the labeling and shape of the jar. So... the older one, being discontinued - does it have less of a smell when it burns because it has been sitting there for a while? I've become a candle addict. Tip: If you need to light a candle that you can't reach the wick and don't have one of those long lighters, a piece of spaghetti works great. Light the end and you have a 10" match.
I too, am a candle addict. I bet I burn close to 50 a month, no lie. Yankee Candle is always a safe bet. They burn good, burn clean and to the end. Sage and Citrus is my FAVorite, has been for years. The WalMart brand candles are surprisingly great! they burn to the very end, smell outstanding and are cheap. The Baked Apple Pie is fabulous and so is the Clean Linen. I also love, love, love the Tyler Candle Jars. I can only find them at Dewaynes.....they burn clean, are soy and smell DEE-vine. My favorite is the Baby Doll scent. 2nd is "beach Blonde"....smells just like the beach and coppertone lotion.
Big candle person here too, Party Lite so far has been my fav, and I used to sell them..I still have some stock let, so no need to buy more anytime soon.
Mia Bella candles are the best hands down. I think you can buy them from their website. I was gonna sell them but changed my mind due to not having enough time.
Let me know too! I am a huge PL fan and have bought their candles for years. Yes, they cost more but burn clean-when the votive burns out all that's left is the little metal tab and it pops right out of the holder.
I am so not a candle person. I an oddball here but I hate going in someone's house with a lot of candles. 90% of the candles I have smelled are way too strong even when they aren't burning. I'm about to hurl within 10 minutes of being in the house. Vanilla and any flower scented candles really make me gag! I can't even walk by Yankee Candle in the mall. LOL! JMO!
I love candles, too!! It sometimes freaks my husband out because where he grew up, they only burn candles in the house when someone has died..
try to find ones made from soy and ones that do not have lead in the wick...otherwise you are burning chemicals and lead remants into your home air.....
I bought the walmart ones this year too,I believe it's cider something... I was surprised as well that they burned well. I usually don't like the real sweet scents :ack:and absolutely can't stand vanilla. Even though it's not a candle but the reed diffuser from Glade with the Jasmin&Orchid scent smells really great-tried to get some more the other day but they were all sold out.
no need to buy a candle for that-just run around the real cow pasture,plenty of essence there :jester:
I don't get to use them much, DH gets a headache from them. Tried all kinds including Yankee and Partylite. I have 'em, but generally only light them if I've cooked something "fragrant", LOL.
Glade has some soy candles that smell great and they also burn down to nothing. I like the red ones. I think it is called currant and something.
love that Reed Diffuser, i bought one about 5 months ago for the guest room and it still smells great and no lighting or blowing out involved:hurray: As for candles, i have to say i am with the Partylite crew, i love them cause they last so long and the scent is great but also because they are safe for my parrots. Another one here, if anyone is having a party, let me know, it has been awhile:cheers:
Wait! Don't y'all need to be saving your money so you can pay your power bills? Or you could choose NOT to pay them and then you really would need the candles.