A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    True and doesn't smell as bad either
  2. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    to expensive and Al Gore wouldn't like that
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  4. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    yeah that crap works real well, short bus is coming
  5. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Why can't they make coke in a can or plastic bottle taste as good as a coke in a glass bottle?
  6. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member


    Same for Bawls energy drink. In a bottle its amazing... in a can, its the same old crap as every other energy drink.
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I think it does taste as good when they put it in, but then the aluminum or plastic sucks the flavor out.
  8. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Is it rude for a deaf person to use sign language with their mouth full?

    Why do folks think that repeatedly swaying their arm back and forth will suddenly change the direction of a bowling ball?

    Each case of fortune cookies has an expiration date... Is that date for the cookie or the fortune itself?

    Why do overalls have belt loops when they are held up by shoulder straps?

    Why do saltines have holes?

    Why do they say "that dog has been fixed" if it doesn't work anymore?
  9. stillcrazy

    stillcrazy Guest

    I gotta get some little pink suitcases packed. Woooo hoooo! Bye kids! :lol: Hubby and I are celebrating our 10th anniversay this weekend at the beach (the date was actually last week but my mom had surgery and we stayed here). I can't believe a man put up with me for 10 years. He's a saint! I love him so much. I hope yall have a good weekend - even the trolls and C3 people. :lol: :jester:
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    then you'll never get to sit with her since you're the window-licker on the short bus... :jester:
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    1) I would say it was rue if they had food in their hands.
    2) The alternative might be a farmers blow.
    3) I thought that was when I would expire, now how will I make the house payment.
    4) That's were I hang my half eaten donuts
    5) So that Not To Smart can have some fun too!
    6) Well at least visitors don't freak anymore.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  13. not to smart

    not to smart Guest


    dang that short bus here needs to be a greyhound size bus with all you here
  14. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    pretty dumb to be jealous over a window, you'll be ok, i think
  15. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    short bus gets bigger
  16. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Things the doctor said when you were born?
    The feeling you get when you climb on any bus ever?
    Things your wife says after you pop a viagra?
  17. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

  18. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Would this work for you?

  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I think we have set the record this week for idiots surfacing on the board....

  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member


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