Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sasha's mommy, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. sasha's mommy

    sasha's mommy Well-Known Member

    Hey 40/42 I need all the opinions I can get on this. I have a friend who is in only in her 50's but she's having a lot of dental issues and is considering dentures. I told her I would post on here for imput. If you or someone you know has them, what are the pros/cons and do you or they like them? Thanks for your help! :)
  2. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    good luck, PM Steve
  3. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    hate 'em. Next year I'm having the implants put in but it's taking a couple of years to save up for that. It's expensive. Meanwhile it changed the shape of my mouth, had to learn to re sing around them and they're high maintenance if taken care of properly.Forget tasting your food as well as you used to. Hold to your own if at all possible. Having said that, my dentist, Cindy Walker did a great job and adjusted them for me until they were as good as they could get and it certainly is an improvement cosmetically.
  4. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    From what I heard from lots of denture wearers,,, I agree with Steve, Hold onto your own teeth as long as possible. All my MOM's teeth are post and crowns and some root canals but she said never let go our your own natural teeth. False teeth are like a wig or topee, you always have to worry if it is going to fall off or fall out! Or blow off or blow out:)
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    your friend will be hard pressed to find a dentist who won't do and recommend everything to save a person's real teeth.
  6. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    My husband has a partial that is anchored by his real teeth, and that works for him. Not as expensive as implants, and they stay put. A less expensive compromise, as we cannot afford implants.
  7. sasha's mommy

    sasha's mommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the responses you've given so far. I think she said her dentist is recommending a bridge right now but it's going to cost about 4 thousand.

    And yes KellBell, they do not want her to get dentures I think she's just sick of putting a bunch of money into her mouth over and over and thinks that dentures will be a long term fix to that.
  8. sasha's mommy

    sasha's mommy Well-Known Member

    Where did your husband have his partial done? She is also looking for recommendations for the work.

    Thanks again everyone!
  9. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    My husband would love to have implants as well but there's no way we can afford it,I'm sick of seeing the commercial about them!
    So he's thinking about either partials or dentures. He certainly would not mind saving his real teeth but without insurance even though he is working full time we can't afford that either :ack:
  10. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    $4000 :shock::shock: can't blame her for wanting dentures instead of the bridge,what some dentists don't seem to understand is that we don't want to loose our teeth either but since it's also a question of $$
    we sometimes have no choice but to go with the less perfect alternative.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Implants are danged expensive. DH had to have one due to a root canal that cracked before he got it completed. It was over $3000 before it was said and done. I could have croaked. Insurance didn't cover it either, we did one of those healthcare spending accounts through his work to be able to afford it. I can't imagine having to do more than one. :shock: You might check to see if his employer offers something like that. They take the money pre-tax, you can use it for qualifying expenses and get reimbursed. It's use it or lose it though, doesn't roll from year to year.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    do y'all realize what goes on with an implant? the pain? it's drilled into your bone, your skull..... no way in h-e-double hockey sticks....not for me, personally.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DH said it wasn't that bad, he was sore for a few days, it is surgery to be sure. The cadaver bone freaked me out more they use. I tease him that his body would be easily identified, it looks like it goes to his brain in the X-ray, LOL.
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    not no, but hell no....this one friend of mine had 2 black eyes for a week from getting her two front teeth done (she had them knocked out in a car wreck). And the cadaver bone me the way!!
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Good grief!! Who did it?!? DH had some swelling but no black eye. They should have given her meds prior if she bruises easy. I do, and my oral surgeon gave me stuff to take to minimize it when I had my wisdom teeth out. Never had any at all, was shocked.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    it came from the "hammering". it was severe for her. I think she did have meds prior....I don't know if I even asked her who her dentist was.
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Makes me cringe!! Bless her heart! My mom had to have some extensive dental work many years ago, and I swear the dentist nearly did her in. Some of them do not have a delicate touch at all.
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    heck, I have to be semi-sedated to have mine cleaned....LOL. I am a wuss when it come to the dentist.
  19. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    right with ya, I have to have my wisdom teeth cut out soon and dread it already!
  20. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    ha losing what wisdom you have

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