TWC uses refurbished equipment too. We lost our (new) cable box due to lightening and they replaced it with a refurbished one. It was free though...
you can't bundle all that w/ Embarq? We have Dish and its all (phone and interenet) thru Embarq, but my friends said they had Direct thru Embarq too (they also just switched from TWC).
Speak for yourself. Not all of us are this naive. Always got to be a complainer. Geez!!!:beathorse::beathorse::beathorse:
The rest of us are just humoring him. Apparently it's necessary for his self-esteem to make it out like the rest of the population has the IQ of a slug. I found the post quite worthy of an eye roll myself. :jester:
Funny... Told TWC to have the cable turned off TODAY, they turned it off last night at 8:30. :boxing::boxing::boxing: I HATE them.
Thanks for the thread. Got me thinking and checking into going back to them. The MRV they have in "beta" right now looks like a great feature. Just don't know about their receivers. Overall they are slow as dirt.
I have TWC and I have for the last 15 years. The only complaint that I have is that they do not have the NFL package. Other than that I have wonderful service. I have every channel they offer, phone, and turbo roadrunner and pay less than $150 a month. That price includes 2 HD DVR's and service in 6 rooms. I also call about once a month or so and ask customer service about any special deals they have and usually get something for free (coupons for movies on demand, free months of premium channels, etc.) Good luck with Direct TV though...I have heard from some people who love it and some who hate it...just like every company.