Just got our bill for Road Runner highspeed online: $54.95 :x Up until last month it had been $34 ???
They sent out a notice last month that everything was going up. I don't remember the dollar amount though.
Just called-those a holes just told me that since I was not listed on the account they could not discuss any details concerning the account,I've been doing it all along but according to the a hole on the phone NC just passed a new law saying that they can't unless I'm listed on above account,I'm so ****ed right now that I want to rip them a new one :banghead::banghead:
I haven't seen my rates go up yet, but what I have seen is their offerings go down. I used to watch Fearnet on their free on-demand channel. Uncut full length horror flicks, cool! Then one day <poof> it was gone. *Now* you can rent those same movies on demand for 1.99. That's BS.
On top of that First Citizen Bank just changed their "secure" way of logging in to your online account,apparently it's so "secure" that despite putting in your # and pw it's still not working,we tried several times on Sunday until we got locked out,then called last night to unlock account etc. and get a temp.pw from a customer agent,needless to say-it still doesn't work :x:banghead:
I think it is illogical when you are the wife and something just so happens to be in the husband's name, yet the wife might be the one who handles all the day to day "business". Esp if she can provide all information to prove her and her husband's identities.
Put your name on the list. Seriously, there are ways to create identity theft via these folks. I once heard about someone asking them what address they had in their system, implying it could be a former address. As soon as the CSR provided what they had....click and someone is off to their house to beat their door in sideways. Just saying
I do see your point,I asked to be put on the list and was told that my husband and I would have to personally go to their local office during business hours in order to do so,like that's going to happen anytime soon!
I had that trouble a few years ago. I finally got the person on the other end of the phone to understand that since I am the one who writes the checks, they can either tell me what I need to know or it won't get paid. I laugh at work, the cell company will let me pay the bill all day long, but you try to get a question answered re: the account and you might as well be asking for the password to Ft. Knox. The boss got fed up and put me as the account admin, but I swear, up until then, it was a fiasco.
From my experience they don't provide info, but ask you for info. If I can provide a birthdate, SSN, mother's maiden name, and am calling from the same number that is on the account then... But yeah, some accounts I had to be added as an authorized user to even speak to somebody. Oddly enough they didn't care who I was to take my money. lol It's just a pain, that's all - but lesson learned.
I was about to :lol:and I think the one on the phone didn't really feel like it at the time,so she was more than happy to let me know about the new law which also excused her from having to deal with me.