How are the main roads?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Steeler_Fan, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    Anyone been out? Just wondering if the main roads are OK, such as 70, 42? Supposed to go to a dinner tonight not sure if I want to go out if the roads are bad. I know they are like a sheet of ice in our subdivision.

  2. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    9am this morning:

    Guy Rd. from Amelia Chuch to Hwy 70 was a sheet of ice.
    Hwy 70 E/Guy Rd. to Walmart in Clayton was a sheet of ice.
    Hwy 70 W. back to Guy Rd.; 1 lane is melting and clearing.

    That's all I know...back home having a Bloody Mary!
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Raleigh Road major Ice over our way. Yes, I know this is NOT a main road but still -kids drive Raleigh Rd to get to WJHS.

    and remember the END of McLemore Rd is always A SHEET OF ICE at 1010/Cleveland School Rd. It stays in the Shade all day & never melts.
  4. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    We got out yesterday evening and 42 toward Cleveland School Wally World was BAD. Cornwallis Rd was really bad too. It did not appear to have been scraped or anything. No trails-just packed down ice and snow. We have 4WD and did not slip at all, but it was very rough and felt like an old bumpy dirt road. I-40 had parts that were very clear and parts that looked just like 42-rough and not cleared. I saw on WRAL this AM that Clayton has had no snowplows at all on 70, but were hoping to get some roads cleared and salted today. Unless you have 4WD, I would say dont chance it and even with 4WD you have to be very slow and careful because the roads were still in pretty bad shape late yesterday and last night.

    Anybody been out this AM?
  5. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    Had to shake my head this morning watching WRAL continuous live coverage of the weather event. The news reporter on Hwy 70 in Clayton was complaining about how fast the cars were being driven in Johnston County. She was shaking her fist and yelling at the cars as they were speeding by. Sadly, we have to do that in our neighborhood when there is no snow.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps it's just me, but I thought a journalist was supposed to report the news...without injecting their feelings on the issue.

    You report the facts, I'll decide the value.
  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    70 from the business split to Smithfield is clear sailing. Business 70 from the 70 split to 42E hasn't been touched.

    One lane for 42 (eastbound) has been cleared all the way to Flowers. Westbound hasn't been touched.
  8. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    Plows out clearing 70 by Walmart
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Just got back from grocery shopping and it seemed like the only vehicles having problems on 42 and the secondary roads were SUVs and pickup trucks. People in cars seemed to do just fine.
  10. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    The good old days before the 24 hour news cycle...a reporting of the facts. Now we have to over analyze and fill hours with useless conversation and opinion.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Wonder if the trucks thought to put some weight in the back? That's what we do and have never had a problem. Although unless it's deep snow, I get everywhere I need to in a front wheel drive.
  12. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    I was cracking up at that news girl. She was right about the people speeding.
  13. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Yep that is true, but some of those trucks and SUVs where in the parking lot next to FL, spinning and all that crazy stuff. Kids ugg!
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I am sure that is at least part of it, used to strap a steel mold to a pallet and leave it in the back of the truck, that would keep its butt on the road.

    As Rushlow indicated it also is a lack of brains also.
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Apparently. After I posted, DH got home from sleigh riding with DS and said there was an F150 upside down in the ditch on Covered Bridge Rd. Ok, where he said that truck was is flat and straight. Hope no one got hurt but dern!
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I hope all who were in that truck are okay. That road needs to be taken carefully.

  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm not going to work tomorrow. That hill after the Neuse River Bridge is a witch. DH can make it up, but there will undoubtedly be several in the ditch or stuck going up blocking the way. The one day was upside down near the entrance to Loop Rd, DH said it looked that he just got overconfident for road condtions.
  18. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    What a fun day! We were spinning donuts in the cul de sac with the golf cart! Dogs were acting like puppies and so were we!
  19. Lynn38

    Lynn38 Member

    Guy Road this morning?

    Does anyone know how Guy Road is this am? If it's been plowed at all? I'm supposed to be at work by noon, and need to take Guy Road to 42 to Hwy 70 toward Smithfield. I doubt there will be much melting before noon :?
  20. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I don't blame you at all. We were on CB road yesterday and it looked as if it had not been touched. Came back late afternoon...same thing...covered. I am getting ready to head out in a minute CB to S. Murphrey.

    Just got back...mostly clear, but where it's not, it is still slippery and folks are driving like idiots. Not good when they are coming at you like that. Hopefully the sun and one more good pass with the plow will get it cleared up. Neighborhoods, however, are a different story. Don't know how they will get the bus through. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2010

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