JOCO Schools closed Mon Feb 1, 2010

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hatteras6, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Connect ed message at 11:50 am...
  2. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Just got the call from Ed Croom.......
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Mini DH says "Yippppie!!!!"
  4. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    No school

    I was expecting a 2 hour delay. When Dr. Croom called, I was a bit shocked.

    Thank goodness for snow. A change of pace. Also, thank goodness for some netflix movies that just arrived on Friday for the kiddos!
  5. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Shocked...really? Have you lived here long? I wouldn't be surprised it school is cancelled on Tuesday, too. The secondary roads haven't been salted/plowed and likely won't start melting until tomorrow.
  6. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    Wonder if they would e-mail out report cards?
  7. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    they havent even scrapped 70 yet much less the roads in town.
  8. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    They never salt or do anything on Polenta. So what chance would I have for them to salt or scrape on Inidan Camp
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I was surprised that we got the cancellation early enough for people to plan. Seems like we'd usually ge the notice at 630 am, day of.

    And, of course, there goes one day of Spring Break. Not Good Friday, which would enable folks to have a complete week off for a cruise, or uniterrupted week at the beach or mountains...Nope, the day taken out of Spring Break is the Friday of the full week of the break.

    Seems like the first day used should be the first Friday of Spring Break, regardless of whether it's also a religious holiday or not.

    And, if we're gonna screw up the following week, dang, let's do the makeup on Wednesday. Dang, folks, if we're conceding power to the central office, I'd expect them to really demonstrate their complete mastery of it by really interrupting family schedules.

    Whether JoCo Bd of Ed cares or not, tourism is a key part of the economic equation in NC. By messing up the following week, rentals of vacation properties, and anticipated income to tourist vendors may be at risk. Without that income, counties reliant on tourism miss income, and that may put an increased strain on state funding for social programs.

    Seems to me that adding the days to the end of the school year makes more sense. For seniors, we know the last week is pretty much shot. For that matter, once EOGs are completed, there isn't a lot of formal educational activity in the classroom anyway, is there?

    The 180 day rule is so antiquated. We all know there are make up days or shortened days where the start time is delayed, and dismissal time is early. Seems that the sine qua non of a countable "school day" is if the kids got lunch at school.
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    have they already announced when the makeup day is? are there not teacher workdays or something they might use before using spring break?

    and i think a child's attendance for the day is counted if they are in school by 10 and finish the rest of the day, or stay at least until 2....don't hold me to that, but it's what i seem to recall. our operating money is based on attendance, so we have to be able to define "attended"...
  11. Jenna's Mom

    Jenna's Mom Well-Known Member

    I was surprised that the call came so early myself. However, I knew there would at least be a delay on Monday. Which would mean my kids would stay home all day as they both get out at 11:30 and would only really be at school an hour (not worth it I say). I'm kinda expecting a delay on Tuesday as well, but it will depend on how much melts tommorrow.

    As far as trucks, I walked to the mailbox today (slipping and sliding on our 1/2 mile sheet of ice called our path), HWY 96 between Meadow and Blackmon's Crossroads was untouched.
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    No, they have not yet stated when the makeup day will be.

    I believe that if a child arrives by 10 they are considered tardy. Add the tardy days together and a certain amount equal no attendance.

    Policy Code: 4110 Attendance

    Regular attendance is required by the board of education. All students must be present for a minimum of 91% of all class meetings to receive credit for a course during any grading period.

    That is, if absences from class exceed four per nine weeks, eight per semester or 16 per year, the maximum grade a student may receive for the grading period is F or 69, regardless of the reasons for the absences.

    In order to be considered in attendance, a student (except for hospital/homebound) must be present in school or at a place other than school with the approval of the appropriate school official for the purpose of attending an authorized school activity, such as a field trip, student
    council meeting, athletic contest, etc.
  13. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    if they're there by ten, they're "tardy", but "present"

    wonder how many "tardies" = an "absent"
  14. lori-beth

    lori-beth Well-Known Member

    hatteras6 is right according to the school schedule sent out at the beginning of the year the makeup day is friday april 9.
  15. tatertot36

    tatertot36 Well-Known Member

    Make up day

    The inclement weather days have been planned out since before school started. They are listed at the bottom of the calendar. In order, they are 1/21, 4/9, 4/8, 4/7, 4/6. Since 1/21 has already passed, the make up day will be Friday, April 9th. This is the week of Spring Break.

  16. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    It has been my experience that lots of parents keep their kids out on the make-up day, especially if it is only the Friday mentioned previously. I remember those days as being very light on attendance. I think you have the opportunity to take your child on a trip and have it excused if you okay it in advance with the principal. I have had a lot of students in the past who went on trips, did some report on how it was educational (if it was ever asked for by the principal), and the absence did not count against them as far as the 69 rule goes.
    Regarding tardies, it used to be that 2 tardies = 1 absence. In or out by 11:00 (middle/high) or 11:30 (elem) to meet the tardy, but present rule. It may vary by school though. Given the time frame of the make-up day or days if they cancel tomorrow, most students would be able to skip it and stay within their allotted 4 days anyway. I do not plan to make my kids go if they have days to "burn". JMO. Every parent has to decide for themselves. I don't mind giving them a chance to miss what is a wasted day if it gets them up on days when it counts!:mrgreen:
  17. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I'm predicting no school tomorrow and maybe a 2 hour delay on Wed.
  18. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    S.N.O.W. ~ School Not Open Whoopeeee! :mrgreen:
  19. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    thx for clearing that up
  20. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

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