it's not really hard to find a reason as to why this is being done. In less than 2 minutes on google here is the answer. Like it or not. Taken from here.
Well that shoots down my use it another Saturday and don't touch Spring Break argument..... crazy rule if you ask me.
Why not have made that point when the district was first developing the calendar for the school year? Seems like this complaint comes a little late.
But to count them absent for observing their religion would then be a slippery slope, no? They could be excused absences that do not count against their attendance, is this how it works now?
Seems like any respectable business would work with you on rescheduling or refunding a deposit given the situation.
:nopity: If the school system skips Christmas break, they can end the semester by Dec. 31st and take off the first two weeks of January. That would certainly make more sense to the academic calendar since religious holidays should not guide when they have days off.
Absence for religious observance should be excused. Scheduling around one particular religious belief should not be the m.o.
Well this Saturday we'll have to be excused for practicing Wulfotology Services at the House of Wulf.
sporting events will not be changed for 1 school district and some businesses have a very strick no refund policy!
Try telling that to the airlines, cruise, or hotel industry. Not so sure you'd get the result you sought.
Craig, thanks for the link. I do have a dog in this fight. What if we underwent a string of weather related school closings, post Spring Break, say a 7 day period where school was canceled? Would the makeup days then not conflict with the 5 consecutive day rule, or push us past the June 10 deadline? We have have other types of weather related events, not just snow that impacts us.
Seems to me this comes down to a simple point, what is more important? The fact that your kid plays in his sporting event or the fact that your kid gets his education. Personally if I were a teacher I'd make it known tomorrow in class that there would be a test on Saturday, and those failing to show up would automatically fail said test, as it is akin to skipping school/class.
Yes, and slavery used to be the norm, and was protected by many in the pulpit. Did that make it right? There formerly were laws on the books against interracial marriage, or outlawing the deeding of land or property to persons of color. Does that make it right?
This has actually happened in the past and those days that exceeded what we were allotted to make up were indeed added to the end of the school year. However this was also while I was in school, and we didn't have as many off days during the school year as now and the school year ended earlier than it does now.
I agree with you but now my frustration lies with the state not this Croom character. My apologies to the Croom lovers out there.
Hat, I'm not saying I agree with it - just pointing it out. I agree with ncmom and Winter Break. It was absolutely ridiculous for Winter Break to go on, and then the High Schoolers take their exams, and then some had almost another two weeks off if they did not have EOCs. Unfortunately I think their solution would be to have the kids start school in July.