Gotta gripe about my LAST trip to Kroger

Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by michelle, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Kroger in Garner can kiss my behind!

    I've had it with this Kroger. I'll try to be brief but I'm mad as a wet set hen right now so bear with me.

    I went in there Thursday and bought about 70 items on the mega sale. I get to the register and the lady says there is a limit of 4 like coupons and only 2 can be IP's. I tell her we will have to take things off my order if this is the case and she changes her mind and puts all my q's through.

    I go back on Friday and bought approx. 40 items and a customer stops me and asks me if I knew that they were limiting you to 2 q's per item. I told her I had not heard that and went to pay. The cashier never mentioned any policy and she happily accepted all of my coupons.

    I make one last trip today and I had 30 items. They were packed but I waited patiently in line and when I got to the register the lady saw my binder open and all of my q's sitting there. She never said a word. She rang my items, bagged them and put them in my cart. Then when I handed her the coupons she said, "oh, there is a limit of 3 coupons per item". I was HOT. I told her that this policy was not posted anywhere in the store and she said that it WAS posted at each register. Funny thing is that HER register did not have a sign posted. Apparently, it had fallen down. Yeah, right. I tell her that we have a problem and are gonna have to take things off the order. Then she CHANGES HER MIND and says that the limit is 2 q's per item. I decide to ask for the manager. He comes up and I explain the situation: different policy every day; no signs posted; last day of sale and only a few hours left - can't he make an exception, blah, blah, blah.

    I told him that if that were the policy that he needed to have signs on the front doors of the store, NOT at the register as that was a little too late to find out about it. He would not budge. Wouldn't even think about it.

    I am so proud of my next move!!! I grabbed my coupons, gathered my binder and purse and told him he could cancel my entire order and then I walked out!

    I understand that policy is policy and I would have gladly adhered to a policy if I had known in advance about it. Telling me when I get to the register to pay after having spent an hour coordinating and counting coupons is NOT the time to tell me!

    So, in the end I will never set foot in that (or any other) Kroger again. They have lost my business forever, just like Rite Aid.
  2. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    good for you grabbing your stuff and walking out!!! :cheers:
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Follow the rules.
    You can move on now.
    Plus stay out of the express line with your coupons and 30 items.

  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Kroger is the pits. I only buy their loss leaders and rarely attempt to use coupons there at all, especially since they only double up to 50 cents. Hate 'em. Give me Lowe's any day.
  5. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I told Kroger to shove it years ago.

    similiar problem, they wouldn't let me use my printed out q-pons. So I walked!
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Hey?! Does this mean I can start shopping at Kroger and there actually will be groceries left for me to buy?! :p

    Noooo I haven't done the q thing yet. Well...I've given it a few shots but I haven't managed to do as well as most of you. I've never been known for my patience. ... I did get 10 free Mtn Dews once though! I had two $5 rewards cards and at the time they were $1 a piece. I was very proud! And when I did it I thought about you ladies and how you would have been proud of me too. :mrgreen: ... I admit, it really did feel darn good!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's fun to me, kinda beating them at their own game. If you want a quick lesson, go watch that video I posted the other day from WRAL with Faye. You won't be sorry. :cheers:
  8. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    :iagree: never been a kroger fan but i do love me some lowes foods.
  9. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I watched one of her videos from WRAL. She was very thorough on what to do from beginning to end. Maybe it was the same one? It was about 7 minutes long. ..Pretty impressive.

    I've tried in the past to coupon. My Mom gets the N&O and sometimes saves the coupons for me. It makes me feel like such a novice standing there in line with my little envelope full of coupons. ..Especially when there is someone near by with one of those massive binders! lol I feel like a little fish in the big water. :lol: ..But do I give it a shot every now and again. :cheers:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Take one of her classes!! I went on a lark years ago because I was just looking for something to do and am so glad I did. If you want, we can meet up one day and I can show you how to set up your binder. Easy peasy!! I need to do better than I have been lately, my coupons are in an envelope in my purse, and I haven't clipped in weeks. :oops:
  11. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    yes nsane....take one of her classes....its totally awesome and worth it! you will be glad you did. just ask michelle! :)
  12. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    mmm ... maybe.. :lol:
  13. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    she has all the organizing stuff too....makes it so easy!
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I agree, her class is awesome!
  15. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    you learned more than i did!
  16. ARodrigues

    ARodrigues Well-Known Member

    There's is one tomorrow night at JCCC that I signed my Mom up for. $15
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Best money you will EVER spend!! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
  18. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    I used to shop at Kroger many years ago when they did triple coupons and that was before we had Lowes Foods in Clayton. The service received at Kroger was mostly poor in my opinion and there were always coupon issues and that was before printables even started. After Lowes opened, it wasn't worth my time fighting with Kroger when my coupons wouldn't scan. I have been there exactly twice in the last 8 years and that was only because they had Stouffers dinners for $1.50. I am a dedicated coupon shopper and do all the "deals" but Kroger is not worth the trouble.
  19. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    Is there a coupon for the class? Maybe a BOGO?:jester:
  20. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Faye definitely helps a lot of people and has great advice. I don't clip coupons that much as we try to buy many fruits & veggies. Not really any coupons for those things or meats. However, I have found ways to cut costs. My grocery bill has gone from well over $1000 to now around $600 per month. That is to feed 9 people here, soon to be 12, all three meals per day. It's awesome. No wasting is really key. We do use coupons on cleaning stuff or beauty items. Produce...the reduce rack(as it will not sit for days in our home). Gallon of milk, I pay no more than $1 per gallon. Meats, always stock up when Lowes has them on sale. Turkeys, chickens, hamburger meat. If you know you'll use it, stock up. We have 2 fridges and a full size chest freezer too. Any other ways you all save, please pass them this way. I am always looking for more ways to cut costs. That $600 also includes all cleaning stuff too.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7

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