this show is my crack. i have been watching it since i came out. i was emotionally distraught during the writers strike when they skipped a year
Same here! I've watched it since the very beginning. Never missed and episode! I love me some Kiefer Sutherland!!
According to her wiki page, she has done alot of things.
Don't watch it but thought you might want to know: Sutherland's illness causes brief shutdown of '24' By Associated Press Production of the Fox network thriller "24" has been temporarily shut down so that star and executive producer Kiefer (KEE'-fur) Sutherland can undergo surgery. Shooting is expected to resume next week with Sutherland's return. Twentieth Century Fox Television would not comment on the nature of Sutherland's ailment, referring to it only as "a medical procedure." The Los Angeles Times first reported the production halt and says Sutherland suffered from a ruptured cyst. About six more weeks of production time remains for the season. Fox says no disruption is expected in airing the episodes.