to the best of my knowledge, organic must be grown "organically" , on land that has not been "treated" with chemicals for the past seven years. "chemicals" means fertilizer from a bag, as well as pesticides. I even had a fellow contact me to grow 100,000 lbs of "organic" peppers for his "organic salsa" business. I told him about the rules. He assured me, as long as I dont use pesticides, it's organic. I passed.
KellBell: yes, you are quite skeptical. What is this about all the negativity on this discussion board. Did you all crawl out of the same hole? I've put up an honest, sincere question. There is a Triangle Vegetarian Society, but the problem with that group is that most of their meetings & get-togethers are in Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Cary. I live in JoCo & work in Raleigh. I'd like to start a group more attuned to this area. What is your problem with that????? Never joined a group that had potlucks for socialization & getting to meet new people with like interests? Never been in church groups who EAT together a lot of the time? Sheessshhh!
Jester: You know, life is not perfect. I TRY to buy organic veggies & fruits that are locally grown. Maybe I fail, but at least I'm trying. What about the rest of you, who would rather be skeptical, arrogant & snide in your attitudes toward what I think is best for ME? Guess I p#ssed in everybody's little world with this.
No need to go negative yourself and paint the whole board with a broad brush. Try staying positive and ignoring negative responses. You'll feel better if you do.
Well, at the risk of being a meanie, pehaps we should give the OP the benefit of the doubt? Maybe she's hungry?? I'm sorry, I really am. It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet. Or my bacon and eggs......................
cynadon: You're entitled to your opinion. So tell you eat your veggies & fruits with all the pesticides & other carp on them like everyone else then? Or maybe you don't eat any at all. kdc: You know, life is not perfect. And we all know that there are many who cheat at anything they have a chance to. I prefer integrity; it's hard to find today. Hught: Who the heck are penn & teller? They don't look like much of an authority at anything, especially the guy. Never heard of them. I'd find better authority & answers elsewhere. KDsGrandma: I'm negative???? Perhaps you should rethink that. MOST of the comments on this thread have been negative. I've tried to reply to comments who seem somewhat sincere; the rest I'm ignoring.
First of all, I don't have a problem. I would say it's you, for jumping on me (just like you accused others of doing to you on here)that has the problem, when I just asked a couple of questions. Personally, I am quite skeptical of "pot-lucks" even with people "kinda" know. 99% of the time, diarrhea ensues. I have issues with people that smoke in their homes while cooking, have cats on the counter after they raked their paws in a litter box, or just in general, don't clean well. But those are MY personal issues,but thanks for asking (what my problem is). :ack: Good luck with your "potluck for vegetarian's" that you are using to sell something.....because I know you are. :lol::lol::lol:
Ummm, seems to me that you are doing the same. It's one thing to believe in something as being best for you. However, you seem to cross the line into trying to push your beliefs on others. You seem to be telling those of us that eat meat and who do not eat organic that we are wrong. I think we are each capable of deciding for ourselves what is best for us.
veggie is likely one of those "tolerant" liberals...."tolerant" as long as you agree with her. let your hair down honey pie....maybe a draft beer and some tight jeans would do you some good.
She just needs to get out and blow off a little steam........too much pent up frustration. A couple nights out with the right group and she will be cookin' like Justin Wilson.....I gar- ron - tee.