Let's start with the facts- Your daughter came into my shop looking for a prom dress of a particular shade of blue, style and size. When I realized I did not have what she was looking for I asked her to look at my catalogs and show me what it was she had in mind. I then spent many hours searching for her dress, the color she wanted was not easy to find. I contacted your daughter to let her know that I had something in that met her requirements. Her grandmother then came in to look at this dress. I mentioned to her " that another girl, who attends a different school, is interested in this dress but I can get another one." In your statement posted you claim that I had misrepresented myself. I have NEVER told ANY of my prom customers that any of the dresses sold here were one of a kind and would not be sold in any other store. That is impossible to do unless I were making the dresses myself. There is a sign clearly posted and my cash out that states "ALL SALES ARE FINAL". So, when your daughter called and told me that another store had this same dress and it was on sale for less. I understood her concern but could not compete with a large chain and its buying power. She then stated that if I wasn't willing to work with her that you both would attempt ruin my business and reputation. Which is obviously what you are set out to do. So, In closing I would like to add that I do hope that she enjoys her prom but the threats will not be taken lightly.
Again, I nor my daughter have never threatened you in ANY way. As a consumer, I can voice my opinion about the quality of goods and/or customer service received in any busuness in any way. That is all we have done. This is a public forum and I have done exactly that - voiced my public opinion. I have also followed the law by filing written complaints with the proper places as instructed on the website of the Office of the Attorney General in the consumer protection section and the local chapter of the Better Business Bureau. That is my right as a distressed consumer. We are following the law in every way and have never done anything else. We will continue to give our opinion of the business where my daughter bought her dress as is our right to do so. Thank you for your time and I will not be replying to this thread again as I feel there is enough information posted for all to form their own opinion.
And make sure to contact the manager so that they can create a new account and start a new thread for rebuttal.
Personally, I feel for the business owner, its a no win situation when dealing with a silver spoon customer who didnt get her way. :nopity:
It sounds to me like the OP misunderstood this and that's where the problem came in. It makes total sense that you can't sell one of a kind dresses. Maybe this is all just one big misunderstanding and everyone should drop it and the two parties involved should ask to have their threads deleted. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.
I was expanding on your post, 'misunderstanding' is a nice word to use for someone who never took the time to understand in the first place and then acts the way this person is.