News story idea.... :)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Cleopatra, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I don't have the details, but I heard of a school in the area - possibly Wake County where a mother was breastfeeding in a public area ofa public elementary school and was asked by school officals to go to a more private area. Now, the law does protect this mother to bf in public.

    What do you think? Should she get her panties in a bunch and make a federal case out of it or should she have some consideration for parents who might not want their kids to be present for this moment?
  2. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Already know my thoughts :jester:
  3. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member


    I'll just leave this here. Should be safe in this thread, and not cause any issues...
  4. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  5. 4&Counting

    4&Counting Guest

    I don't think she should make a federal case out of it, but if she was really upset about it I think asking for an apology from the school system seems totally appropriate. The law is the law.

    Edited to add: I have heard rumors of past breastfeeding threads, but have not actually been around for one. Good luck to those that want to take on Cleo!
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Actually, I COMPLETELY agree with the school offering her a non-public place to nurse her child. It would not occur to me to nurse my child at an elem school out in the open.
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Discretion is key. No need to BF with everything hanging out. It is certainly possible to do it without offending anyone. Heck, if you get good enough at it, most folks won't even know what you are doing. Hard to say if she has a beef or not without details. But if she was offered privacy and not asked to use th restroom or something, then I'd say she had nothing to complain about. I'm sure someone, somewhere will disagree. 8)
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she has a beef and is now refusing to be active in the school. To her it is a teachable moment to forward the breastfeeding movement. My beef is if I am breastfeeding at the mall and say tp's kid walks up on me, tp is there to teach and guide her children - not me without her consent. Breasfeeding is not quite mainstream and *normal* in this nation, I don't agree with that - but I don't think that my rights to nurse trump another parent's right to parent their children how they see fit. She wasn't told to go to a restroom, she was offered an office.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Ah yes, the best way to further a cause is to be an *** about it. Had a feeling it was something like that. Cutting off her nose to spite her face.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And if we can't get to you by education and example, let's indoctrinate your children!
  11. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    She should have been at home making dinner and finishing up the laundry.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Oh, yeah, that works for sure!! Breast feeding nazi's, gotta love 'em. I always wondered if the ones determined to bare all in public didn't have a streak of exhibitionism or something. JMHO. I've done it at the mall, in a restaurant, you name it, but ALWAYS discretely. No need for the weirdo in the next booth or aisle to get an eyefull. Zipping up my flame suit!! :mrgreen:
  13. 4ME2KNOW

    4ME2KNOW Well-Known Member

    WOW!! This is a hot button topic! One many women, including myself can get fired up on.

    I know what it's like to have a screaming baby who doesn't know the concept of waiting a few minutes till you can get to a more private location. I can feel the pain of any Mom who has to decide quickly where to feed her baby who you just fed 45 minutes ago and thought you would have time to run that quick errand before the next feeding. It sucks! (lol)

    I don't think she should join this sue happy nation that will call a lawyer for just about any infraction on your ego.

    I do think if she was offended she should tell the person and educate them. You can't expect someone to understand the demands of breastfeeding if they have never experienced it. Also breastfeeding has just recently made a comeback and becoming more socially accepted. I'm sure this won't be an issue in many years to come as some stores even have dedicated nursing stations.

    ***VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE**** PLEASE DO NOT ASK A WOMAN TO MOVE TO A PUBLIC RESTROOM TO NURSE HER BABY!!!! I hated when people suggested that to me! I'm sure you wouldn't want to eat a bucket of chicken while sitting on the toilet of a public restroom....why should my child eat in one!!!
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    That was my impression. Now breastfeeding is not sexual to me, but to a 10YO boy passing by.... it just might be. It is to some adults. At the mall, kiss my ***. But at an Elementary school, common sense should override activism.
  15. 4&Counting

    4&Counting Guest

    I agree. Or that they are putting it all out there just to annoy people. :lol:
  16. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    On a serious note, boobs are to be exposed to two places...and two places only.

    The bedroom and the strip club.
  17. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    The same broad would complain if I whipped out my pecker and ****ed in front of them.
  18. 4ME2KNOW

    4ME2KNOW Well-Known Member


    Especially when you said "But at an Elementary school, common sense should override activism."

    Some women get that sense of you can't tell me what to do so I'm gonna do it in plain view and so what if you see my nippies hanging out!!! I'll sue you if you say anything to me.

    Those women tick me off!
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL!! I will never forget sitting on the couch when DS was a newborn and my uncle walked up like he was going to pick up the baby, not realizing he was eating. I about died laughing when he finally realized why I wasn't handing him over, he turned white and then about 6 shades of red. :lol:
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    There isn't a big deal to the rational ones. But there is always going to be those that want to push the envelope and make it difficult on the ones with common sense.

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