Lots of states, not really sure how to count them since a lot of it was driving through. Jamaica, Aruba, Bonaire, Abaco, Cayman Islands, Crete, Athens, Costa Rica, Sardinia, Canary Islands, Berlin, Denmark, Mexico. Flown through other countries but I don't think that counts, although I made sure to buy souvenirs at the Paris airport just to prove I was there!
We have small spoons from each country. It's nice to view them every so often and remember good times. Sherry
Actually I intially put 57 in, but figured only a few would get it and then we would get birth certificate questions! :mrgreen:
I've never been out of the country. Been to...NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, IN, VA, WV, IL, WI, TN, DC, MI...I think that's all...