Thinking about buying one of these, so tired of dealing with cat boxes all the time. We have 3 boxes. Was thinking about buying 2 of these and put them in the laundry room. This is the one that connects to the water, then you setup to clean at a certain time, it does a rinse of the special litter.
I don't have one, just going to relate my experience with the Littermaid. Anyway it scared the cat because it was loud. He wouldn't go near it, found my plant instead. Be sure to read all the reviews you can and if your cat(s) are at all skittish I say beware! Litterboxes are a nuisance but they are cleaner than somebody finding a corner! I hope it works out for you.
Sorry I can't help with the Catgenie but I can recommend "The world's best cat litter", that is what it's called. You can find it at Petsmart 34# bag for $34We use the multicat formula filling the boxes to a depth of about 4-6 inches. We had upwards of 5 cats at one time and they all shared two large rubbermaid bins(31 gallon) that we turned into two litter boxes. It works great. People can't belief we even have cats. Give it a try, it's alot cheaper than the catgenie.
Holy ****. That thing is huge. And there is nothing like stepping on cat litter granules when you get out of the shower. If you could get a cat to use that, couldn't you get them to use the potty?
No way I would pay that much, I would keep scooping and I have 4 cats, scoop every other day.. I really don't think my cats would use it.
We use the Multi-Cat litter now, We have to get 2 40 lbs boxes every 3 weeks. We have 4 cats. So the cost adds up really fast. The more I look at this thing, the cats would be scared of it. Our cats are all maine coon, so they are bigger than the avg cat, I think they have more waste as well. Thanks everyone for the info.
Looking at the picture close up like that, I worry if it in the bathroom, and one night I am up using the bathroom and still a bit sleepy, or had a few to many drinks, I might use it by mistake. :cheers: