so, how long do you propose we continue his benefits? it just can't go on forever. sure, medical bennys would be great, but he might have to do what lots of others have done: get creative. take 3 part-time jobs...whatever. has he used up his 79 weeks yet?
Probably but I was afraid some people would not see that this is happening and may be on unemployment. Think I should ask Webbie to movie it? Sherry
That is the real long should it go on? I know my grandfathers worked more than one job and they paid cash for everything because they did not believe in credit. It's a very tough situation. Sherry
The way my grandfathers did it was each one had a full time job with benefits (they were in unions) and had part time jobs on the side. Both had three jobs. Sherry
You will find that this is not just Liberal thinking. Many Conservatives are on unemployment and trying their best to get a job. It is like a dog chasing its tail but do you have a solution to this problem that effects millions, at the moment? Sherry
My thoughts exactly! My DH had been laid off for a year too, other than a few interviews and God only knows how many sent resumes from which he never heard anything back. He also was told sometimes that he was overqualified in which case he told them he would work for less. As I mentioned before he now is working with his former company again,after a pay cut and NO medical benefits. You can tell it's a employers market out there but since the only constant in life is change I'm sure that one of these days the shoe will be on the other foot,at least I hope so anyway :twisted:
neither is unemployment insurance. so should his benefits be extended indefinitely? until he finds a job that exactly meets all of his requirements? or should he do what he has to do, and take what he can get?
You are welcome. Millions are out of a job and now any income. db is asking the hard question and what he is asking may be the exact answer to all of this in the end. Sherry
i;m not so sure my question is quite that profound.... i've used unemployment before. used 26 weeks of it. used that time to try to find something in my particular field, which was ultimately not available in this market. but i CHOSE to narrow my search to the parameters i used, ie location and field. when the UI ran out, i was forced to DO SOMETHING ELSE to buy groceries and house payments with. something that didn't pay as much. something that didn't have as much work available. put it together with a couple more part-time jobs. pretty soon, 3 X part-time can be pretty close to = fulltime pay. the point is after some reasonable point, you can't wait for "the right" job. you can't hope the government pays you for another 6 months or a year. you have to do what you have to do, for yourself, by yourself, if necessary. extending benefits only serves to put off the inevitable, imho, and spends money we (the government's funding source) don't have....
But, this may be what the government needs to ask and then do. They need to do it with advance notice so that people will look in different directions. I think some are, I think the government is offering some great classes but I think the question you ask is the one all of us need to long? Sherry
No sheet. You might want to see my post above. Whether he or you think it is profound, I do. We have to draw a line in the sand at what point? Sherry
what? the government needs to ask and do what? how long? 6 months is a long time. if you can't find exactly what you want in that time, it's time to take what you can get. 18 months of unemployment money is too much. and who cares what classes the government is offering? why do you need to take a class? are you not capable of learning on the job like most people do? do you think the guy at the hess station on the corner took a government-funded class to be a cashier at the convenience store? there's work to be done. it might not pay as much as you're used to. it might not offer the benefits you want. it might not be a "career" so much as a "job". but go get it yourself and stop waiting for the government to come to your rescue with extended unemployment money, free classes, or whatever other intrusive crap you think they are doing to "help" us all.... edit: sorry, sherry, i'm not trying to be ****y with you in particular, but i really get tired of people looking WITHOUT for help, when the answer is WITHIN....
I think the classes are great. If a person has been at a company for 20 years or so and gets laid off he/she might have outdated skills in their profession. A class or two might allow that person to update skills and remain in the same home, even same company. Same with changing professions, a class or two may be the answer. Sure a person can work at Hess, Smithfield BBQ or wherever but upgrading skills or changing your profession, while working is a big help. I'm not saying "we" should not help when someone gets laid off. I'm saying that the question you stated about how long "we" allow ourselves to help someone while they look for a job is a good question and I think "we" need to draw a line in the sand with advance notice. I know some people have given up but I think it may be because "we" give them too much time. Sherry
You always say that if I don't agree with someone right away. I'm actually agreeing this time with some other ideas. Sherry
but you say that like there is no advance notice. if you've been on unemployment for 18 months and having that extra month taken from you is going to kill you, you're dead already. 18 months? srsly? guess what? unemployment benefits will run out sometime, whether it's 6 months or 12 months or 18, and the fact is "you" (in the general sense) are going to have to do it "yourself" eventually. better sooner than later...
give her credit for this PRM. she might actually be waking up a little bit.... the longer we keep people on the gov't teet, the more they'll get used to it and the less likely they'll be to try to fend for themselves
I understand what you are saying but at this point "we" have been giving an extension for some time so people, I think, are kind of expecting one now. Maybe I'm wrong but I kind of think I'm on target. If "we" go ahead and of June 1, 2010 (just a date) no more unemployment extensions will occur. Unemployment will be for, let's say, 18 months from that point forward with no extensions. I think people will understand and hopefully plan ahead. If "we" tell them two weeks before it runs out panic occurs, whether we think it should or not. It's kind of finding a middle ground for all and explaining that people are going to need to move to find a job, work several jobs, etc. but the government can no longer afford the extensions. Sherry