Kentucky Senator Blocking Unemployment Extension

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Sherry A., Feb 28, 2010.

  1. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    and to think I worked my *** off in a hosiery dye house to pay for college tuition when i could have just relied on the gubmint for classes!!!
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    And we wonder why they cannot work together in DC. If we, here on 4042, cannot try for a little while to figure stuff out without giving up or calling each other names how can we expect that from those passing Bills?

  3. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    18 months is too long. 6 is plenty. if people are expecting YET ANOTHER extension on top of the 6-12 month extension AND the 12-18 month extension, and are going to claim they're "not ready!" for their benefits to end, well, SCREW EM...they've had a year and a half. during that time, i've scrambled, scraped, begged, borrowed, and stole to survive and have paid taxes the whole time, which is funding these extensions. i've had a business fail, lost out on two or three full-time jobs i have been in the running for, sold stuff on craigslist and ebay to raise funds, and juggled literally 4 part-time jobs at once......time for "them" to get going for their own benefit.
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I worked myself all the way through college and so will my daughter, other than any scholarships we can get. I've worked since I was young and don't take it for granted. These millions of people who are unemployed also worked until they were laid off. Just trying to help find a solution. How about you? I still believe in our government and I believe in input from the citizens!

  5. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    like a lot of stuff you post....sounds great but doesn't feed the bulldog
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Okay, so we agree on the plan it is the numbers that are not put in place yet......I was just throwing out numbers when I posted, I was trying to get a plan first.

    It's the end of February. Let's say we give them until the 1st of April (those on the extensions) then we write a Bill that gives an unemployed person six months of unemployment with no extensions from that point forward. We make it clear that those who have exhausted their extensions at this point only have until April 1st on unemployment and must plan for that change immediately.

    Can we agree to those numbers?

  7. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    sure. 6 months. total, not from the date of the bill, with those already on extensions grandfathered in (as much as i think they should be cut off). in fact, there doesn't need to be a bill. let's just say starting april 1, we go back to the way it was before the ridiculous extensions...

    by the way, i hate to make this political, but none of your liberal pals are going to give up having that many people dependent on the government that easily. doesn't jive with their view that the government is your mother...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    If the citizens don't write, email and/or voice opinions to our politicians it will not feed the bulldog. The difference is I do voice my opinion. It might not be heard but I try. In what dangerboy and I are doing is what they should do in DC. Guess what......if he and I can come to some sort of agreement I will forward it to the White House and Congress. They may not listen or they just might. They obviously need help. It is not the time to sit back and wait. But I don't call others names or ridicule them if they don't do what I do. I do question why they don't voice their opinion to bring items to solutions.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  9. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I don't remember what the old law was regarding unemployment length. I hate to say that but with all the extensions and all I'd have to look it up. So, if we go with the above we pretty much have a compromised solution.

    Sounds like we, you and I, have a plan (solution). Please don't play politics with me at the moment. If it's okay with you I will forward this to our wonderful politicians and Mrs. Obama as I have been doing. I really think they need some help and if the citizens can help they should. Sure pie in the sky but I do know a Congressman who passed a letter of mine, which had a solution, around the floor a few years ago and I'll be darned if the Bill they passed did not have a little piece of my idea.

    I still have faith and I really think you do too.

  10. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Not true at all. At the moment I think everybody's acting like a kid. It's time to stop the political stuff and actually work for the good of the country and the people. Obama did what. I still didn't see much come out of the Summit. If we the people divide those in DC will not ever compromise and accomplish things for the good of this country.

  11. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    more pie in the sky hyperbole

    worry about yourself and not what the government can do
  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I am a part of the government. Guess that is where you and I disagree. Also, I am not known as a person who doesn't try to change what I think is wrong or a person who doesn't try to help.

  13. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    You are part of the government? so? You have a vote and you undoubtedly voted for a big government liberal , yet, you wonder how these problems exist?

    You remind me of my dog when he chases his tail.
  14. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    my faith lies in the power of the individual, not the power of the government nor of the collective. if the government put the onus back onto the people, where it belongs, imho, they would do for themselves or die. i know that sounds cold to you, and it is in a way, but life is the way life is. when my kid is hungry, i do what i have to do to get him some food. if going down to the government buffet for free was an option, do you think i would be motivated to go out and WORK for what i get? no. and i apply this philosophy across mutliple issues. what if DIVORCE wasn't an option? do you think people would THINK about what the hell they're about to do before they do it? would their decisionmaking process be different if they knew that divorce wasn't even an option? like maybe they better be damn sure of what they're doing the first time, or they're going to have to live with the consequences for the REST OF THEIR LIVES? sure would save alot of heartache, for the marital parties and their kids; it'd save alot of money, too. now, back that up and apply it to unemployment. what if unemployment past 6 months WASN"T AN OPTION. do you think people would work harder during that 6 months to find a job? do you think they'd ramp up their efforts near the end of the benefits, and especially soon after they expire? personal responsiblity. the creed of the conservative....

    i'm telling you, though, your faith in politicians is misplaced. they don't have the same ends in mind that you do. i commiserate with your utopian wishes, but you need some of your realist side to come out and temper your hopes some. i'd love for everything to be sunshine and flowers and milk and honey and peace and harmony and for everyone to have more than they need and that noone ever hurts or gets sick or suffers injustice.... it ain't happening, sister. the best that you can hope for is self-determination, as far as you can get it. the best place in the world for it used to be the United States of America...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010
  15. Panther Crazy

    Panther Crazy Well-Known Member

    Originally Posted by Hught View Post
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    When my parents divorced it was embarrassing to my mother. First, she felt like she had failed, second she hated it for me and that is why they waited until I graduated from high school (I never knew they were having problems such as that and it could be that I was high but they also kept it private), third, mother believed that when a person got married it was for life, my dad was of a different mind. Both sets of grandparents were ticked off at my dad and believed marriage was forever and it was hard work.

    I did not grow up in an upper class family. I grew up watching my grandparents work hard for everything they had. Both sets had it very hard growing up and they wanted a better life for their children and themselves. You know....the American dream. My parents wanted the exact same thing as do I. My dad was and is extremely patriotic. He hates war. He is a war veteran and does not talk about it much. He taught me that this is the greatest nation and that it can only stay that way if the citizens vote and speak their mind. While he and I do not always agree on politics we do agree that it is our duty to vote and voice our opinion. And my parents taught me to help others. They taught me that no one is better than anyone else. They taught me to understand and get along with people who live in a cave to people who live in the White House. I guess that is why I believe everybody needs help and that I'm as good as anybody else.

    Our politicians are certainly at a standstill. You and I know that in past years they would socialize together and talk things through. Today, blame is pushed on all sides and anger seems to prevail. I think people like you and I need to be role models to them as well as our children. We can get upset at one side or the other but it should not stop us from being friends and trying to find solutions, together. You may say it is Utopia or pie in the sky but it has worked in the past. Anger just doesn't work. We have some major problems and they must get fixed. Our politicians seem to be pointing fingers and looking out for themselves. I think as citizens we need to help them see what is happening and help to find solutions. It is our government. In my opinion, we are the government. It is important for people like you and me to find a middle ground and then voice that to our representatives. You know that I believe anybody, within reason, should be able to represent us and I have put my money and mouth into this thought process.

    It looks as though we came up with a middle ground above. I ask again if it is okay with you that I go ahead and submit it to those who represent us? Whether a person thinks it will work or not doesn't matter, what matters is that we find a middle ground and "try" our best to help in DC. Not pie in the sky.........just trying to find solutions and voice them. Just maybe it will help. Maybe it will not, db, but for the two of us to find a compromise it is a start.

    I try to be a role model to my daughter and at the moment I feel as though I am failing in some areas. She gets tired of watching the news or discussing politics and I understand it. She doesn't understand why our politicians don't act as role models and she really gets upset when I yell at the television over items. I try to explain that we are in dire needs at the moment and must get more involved than we have ever been because the greatest nation in the world needs some big improvement. She saw first hand what people go through during a NC Senate race once. She held my hair as I threw up before speeches, she knew how much personal money was going into the race and she saw how much personal time it takes to be a politician. She was also with me when a telephone call was placed to concede and congratulate. The Republican stated that he had never received a call like that and thanked the other person. I'm not saying the person who lost the race is better than anyone else, I'm just saying that common courtesy should be used and the next generation needs role models. I may be a registered Democrat but I vote how I believe, not a Party, and I used to believe in the Democratic philosophy but we have strayed and the anger will not solve the problem. When you and others use the word Conservative I am unsure whether you use it on specific issues or overall. You use it above but I am trying my best to leave that portion out of our conversation so that we can find a middle ground.

    Thank you for taking the time out to discuss this with me and to try and find a solution without name calling or just giving up because I don't completely agree with you. I've been spending alot of time working with a family whose son is getting high and who is a drain on our society. We've been staying up late at night and sometimes it is best to do that because it gets the teen tired and he talks more and listens. He has to go to court this week and then we will send him out of state to learn what an arse he is, why and learn a job skill so that he can give his fair share to society instead of take. I say this only because I think our government needs to do this and to explain why I am on and off of the discussion like I am. My daughter turned 18 last week so when I can I have had her read our Thread and give her input. She wants to work for a specific agency of our government and will be heading off to college to concentrate on her specific field and during the summers she will be heading to DC to work/learn from that agency in that field. I really want her to understand that no matter what Party a person registers for or believes in that in the end they will vote for what they believe is right.


    P.S. I put this Thread in the Discussion Forum because I felt as though some people do not look at the Political Pit and just needed the information. I did not ever dream that we would get into this discussion, which is great.
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    sorry, too long to read the whole thing. i would submit that your patriotic, hard-working veteran of a grandfather wouldn't be a proponant of sucking the gov't teet. you said yourself he worked hard for what he had. the gov't didn't give it to him...

    and yeah, you can forward anything you like that i post on this board. it's out in public, i generally consider every word carefully since that's my gig, so go for it.

    there's a difference between understanding and getting along and accepting all types, and paying for their upkeep. i don't see where the two are mutually exclusive. IOW, just because i don't want to finance their upkeep doesn't mean i don't know them or get along with them. the way you explain that seems kinda self-righteous, like WHY you want to help others. we weren't talking about that. it's not "either you want to help people or you don't and i can't understand why you don't". that's elitism on your part. you assume that since i believe people should fend for themselves that i would never extend a hand to help. i'd like to help others, too, but not by force of confiscatory taxes.

    i use the word "conservative" not to represent any political party, rather a thought process and belief system.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2010
  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thank you and thanks for explaining your use of the word conservative. I know what I posted was long but I kind of got wound up.

  20. Panther Crazy

    Panther Crazy Well-Known Member


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