
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    To the woman who stormed into Don Lee's on hwy 50 this morning with a vengeance, that also looked like she rolled out of the bed, to the car and into the store:

    You made a complete IDIOT of yourself. It seems that you had it in for the lady behind the counter for something:roll:....I realize that you more than likely don't care, but atleast, let's talk about this for a moment, shall we? You did not scare her. She really does not care. YOU, however, in public, threatened her in the ear shot of SEVERAL witnesses......on security video no less. What were the words you used now?....mmmm OH!! yeah! I believe it was, "You're gonna tote a "BUTT" whippen after you get off work!!" And then something about phone numbers. Yes, it was that plain, and others, as well as myself, heard it all. You went on and on in front of alot people.

    Now, regardless of the circumstances that brought you in the store to "show your...your...your...BUTT", There a FAR more better ways to handle these issues. I hope that you are not in more trouble yourself......communicating threats. And oh yeah, it's true, she CAN get you for that. I work for an attorney who knows some criminal attorneys and I asked. I just thought you'd like to know that your "bold, tough girl attitude" might land you in the "can".;) Nice goin............

    just sayin......

  2. maybe store girl shouldn't of humped and pumped the womans better halve..
    how'd her butt look anyways.
  3. 4&Counting

    4&Counting Guest

    Gotta admit.... this was my first thought too. Except I thought "better half" instead of "better halve"
  4. so I'm more urban style.. prim and proper is overated
  5. 4&Counting

    4&Counting Guest

    that's a clever way to explain away stupidity. well done. :cheers:
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Two sides to every story. Something provoked her to act this way, unless it was induced by alcohol, drugs or a lack of medication. While it isn't necessarily nice (and against the law) to communicate threats, this sounds overblown and likely something that wouldn't see a court room. I'd hope not, because it sounds like it would cost way too much time and money on something trival. Besides, as already stated, sounds like the woman behind the counter may have done something to contribute to the outburst. She herself might not really want "whatever it is" to be made public.

    In my best Gump impersonation..."that's all I got to say about that."

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