Never say never, right? I swore I'd NEVER have one of those grocery tags on my key chain to scan when I shop. Got at least 3 now! Harris Teeter, Food Lion, and Lowes. I swore I'd NEVER get into text messaging. Do it all the time now. But I will NEVER NEVER NEVER get into TWEETING!!! Read my lips!!! LOL
I said I'd never wear one of those sweater vest things. I still haven't but I have to admit, I'm starting to think about it.
I swore I'd never give the "as long as you live in my house you will follow my rules" speech. Oh well. She's enjoying her new home.
I swore I would never "curse" my kids like my mom did, but they made me mad at them a couple of times and I "cursed" them with the "I hope that when you have kids they act just like you do and then you can see what I have had to deal with". Also swore I would never act like my parents and now as I get older, I find myself doing it more and more.
Too funny FF. C6 and I joke that we don't act like our parents. We turned into our parents. Swore I'd never drive a station wagon. FAIL Swore I'd never play the "When I was young" guilt card. MASSIVE FAIL Swore I'd never make kids clean their plate because of "starving kids in India"..Successful, so far.. Swore I'd never take illicit drugs. MASSIVE SUCCESS!!!! Swore I'd never operate a vehicle without seat belt...again. (2 ribs, facial bruises, and spouse was even worse off.) MASSIVE SUCCESS! Swore I'd never allow Hamburger Helper (or any food item with -Helper in the name) into my home. MASSIVE SUCCESS. Swore I'd never get so angry with kids that I was unable to string together a cohesive sentence. FAIL..(see sentence indicating turning into a parent)
You know those wind up swings for little babies!? I swore I'd NEVER have one! I was good enough I could rock my own child! When he was just a few months old I made DH go to Walmart around 10pm to get one because I was tired of swinging the car seat with my arms. I thought they were going to fall off and I thought the baby would never stop crying. He was happy as long as he was moving. I was tired of him crying. I was tired of me crying. I was just plain old tired, with postpartum for good measure. Turned out to be one of the best items we bought. Sitting him in it to watch Teletubbies while we ...had 30 minutes to ourselves.. is how we got DS2 :twisted:
swore i would never tell my kids "because i said so" cause my Mom would get so frustrated with all my questions about everything that she got to the point she didn't even try to answer. Definitely failed that one by the time the first one was about 5
:twisted: Go on another baby occupying toy again why don't ya... may be a baby DD will come along!! :twisted:
My DS slept in his for months. It was the ONLY place he would sleep. It was one of those that was like a cradle, not the ones where they sit straight up. Thank God it was battery operated. He had reflux and it kept him at enough of an angle that he (and us!) could get some sleep. He was still 2 years old before he slept all the way through the night. And that would be why there is no DS # 2! :banghead:
move somewhere for a guy...guess it wasn't so bad we will be celebrating 9 years of marriage this May