One of my neighbors in the subdivision I believe is a narcissistic sociopath with serious "superior" attitude. This individual does not like animals and has made numerous public comments that if an animal comes onto his property he will shoot the animal. In addition, this individual also indicated that Johnston County Animal indicated that he could shoot an animal (dog/cat) if it came onto his property. Is this legal?? I could understand if a vicious animal were to enter your property and was charging to attack someone then the use of a weapon may be justifyable; however, I know this individual for a fact doesn't like animals and doesn't want a loose animal running on his property potentially "****ing or crapping" (his words) on his property. If anyone is aware of the laws regarding this, please advise.
You must live in my old house. If you stand on the back porch look to 10:00. That house. DH and him had it out and cops were called only ONCE. :boxing:
Is this a joke? Yes, they can. Keep your animal contained, just because somebody doesn't want an animal pooping in their yard doesn't mean they hate animals - maybe they just hate irresponsible pet owners and stepping in dog ****. I know I do. There are leash laws. Follow them, and you won't have to worry about it. What could be simpler?<shrugs>
Harleygirl, thanks I live in a fairly new subdivision and the house was brand new when I bought so I doubt it's your old house but it sounds like you may have had a maniac for a neighbor as well. Seriously, I am really concerned about this issue. It's not my dog as he spends most of his day in the house and only goes out when I walk him. It's my neighbors dog who has a habit of getting lose by either breaking the chain she is on or busting out of the porch. The dog is a very shy timid lab/chow mix who is more afraid of people than they could be of her. The other neighbor doesn't like animals, I know he has contacted JC Animal and the Dog Warden has come to see the next door neighbors. What I am concerned about is that one of these days this dog will be lose again and the other neighbor will shoot it. I know there is a "Lease Law" as there should be but does someone have the right to shoot a domestic animal that wanders onto their property?
No it's not a joke Cleopatra, lighten up!! It's not my dog. I have four cats and one dog all whom are neutered/spayed. My cats are indoor cats and my dog never is outside unless I walk him on a lease. This is a neighbors dog who has on occassion (once a month) managed to break out of the porch or break the chain and gotten free. These people do not open the door and just let the dog out. Most people are aware of the "Leash Laws" and yet still on occassion there are animals that get out. If you condone someone shooting an animal because it got out and ran through a neighborhood, you need as much help as the moron threatening to shoot a domestic pet.
I didn't say I condoned it, I just said it was legal. Welcome to Johnston County. I thought you were going to sell your house?
Cleopatra, seriously someone can just shoot a dog/cat that is wondering around? I cannot condone that for any reason other than perhaps if the dog charges someone and is obviously planning to attack. That I believe is justifiable. As far as move, when the housing market picks up I have every intention of it. Quite honestly the red-neck ignorant locals I cannot tolerate. And welcome to Johnston County-where do we live in some backwards redneck county?
OH yeah. We had a Chow mix who didn't EVER go in his yard and he flilpped out. His kids were afraid of dogs and Shelby was in (then) the vacant yard beside ours (we had her go do her business over there -LOL). He YELLED at me while I was in the backyard "You better get that dog on a leash or I will". I called Shelby over went in the back door and DH was coming in the garage door from work, He's like "what's wrong with you"? I said "I'm gonna go kick that guys ***" :lol: DH handled it for me. 8) Seriously though he does have a *right* to shoot an animal on his property, but I'd think he and the owners of the dog would try to be civil and work this out. I mean being neighbors and all. Would a wireless fence work for your neighbor?? We will be getting one for little Buddy because we don't have a fenced in back yard, right now until I think he's ready he's on a leash at all times, no exceptions. Good luck with your situation.
It's inhumane to chain a dog in the first place, and in the second place I would certainly be afraid of a dog who came onto my property dragging a broken chain. Your neighbors need to find a way to effectively contain their dog. Glad to hear you are now keeping your cats indoors. Indoor cats live longer and healthier lives, and don't annoy the neighbors and kill the birds at their feeders.
Harleygirl, thanks for the information. Unforatunately the moronic neighbor doesn't really want to solve the issue with the neighbor peacefully. Honestly he and his wife are white trash who's daddy left them so money, so honestly they likely never had anything in their life before this and now they believe they are better than the rest of the world and entitled to what ever they want. These are the type of people who have no problem telling you what you need to do but don't ever tell them something. As far as my neighbors with the dog it's an unfortunate situation. The man's wife passed away almost two years ago. They had a small dog who barked continuously in which I was able to find a home for since the husband didn't really want the dog. This dog still there belongs to his sister/brother-in-law whom are staying with them. The house is on the market but with the current economy the house has not sold. Since they don't "own" the home they will not want to invest in an invisible fence or a wooden fence. They do the best to keep the dog from roaming free but unfortunately once in a while, the dog busts out and roams. I cannot believe in this day and age that anywhere would condone just shooting an animal. Again if it was a vicious animal that was charging I could understand.
If they come on your property, yes you can. The housing market is just fine, esp with the 8,000 Obama is giving away. I sold my house in 2.5 months last summer. And who are you calling a redneck, weren't you the one letting FOUR cats wander around a subdivision? did NOT call them white trash, on top of ignorant redneck locals... NY9 - is this your wife?
Cleopatra, congradulations on selling your home is the timeframe you did. Honestly, I am in no rush to sell mine below market value and choose to wait until the market improves. Tax credit or no tax credit people buy homes. Redneck-Well if the shoe fits-wear it. I moved from the northeast and there were leash laws for dogs. There were no requirements for cats to be contained in the northeast. My cats are now housecats, so that solved the issue with the animal killer across the way.
You are mistaken in regards to the real estate market. But whatever, keep fighting with your neighbor. An underground/radio fence can be gotten for 150.00 - 300.00. Not a big investment to keep the peace and keep Fido alive, now is it? And they are portable/removable for your renting neighbor.
Again Cleopatra thanks for your information. I do not believe I am mistaken about the market. Yes houses are selling due to the tax credits but well below home values from 2 years ago. Again I have no issue with the animal killer across the street as my animals are contained. I just have issue with anyone who would kill an animal without proper justification. Unfortunately for the dog next door I can't make the owners install a fence or any other type of containment system. Considering how infrequent the dog gets out, continued calling or photographing the dog running and submitting to JCAC will result in fines for the homeowner. To me this is the direction that should be taken and not someone substituting a gun to prove there manhood or substitute for lack of gential size.
I'm also from the Northeast. Leash laws in general apply to all domestic animals, not just dogs. Often they're not enforced against cats, but that doesn't mean they don't apply.
It is the dog's owner's responsibility to keep their dog contained at all times. And in case you are not aware, a timid dog is quite likely to bite if they feel threatened. Do I think people ought to shoot first and ask questions later? Nope, but I certainly understand the extreme frustration when someone else's animal becomes MY problem on an ongoing basis. Once a month is a problem. Oh, and BTW, with your attitude regarding this area displayed in this thread, don't let the door hit your butt on the way out. Good grief!! Here's the one we are looking into ^^^^^ If they rent then this would be GREAT for them. No wires to bury in the yard, etc.. AND if they have a friend with the same device and they take the dog to the friends house they can use the collar over there also.
Really? Below Market Value? I purchased my home in 2001 for 139000.00 and sold it in 2009 for 165000.00. Yeah, that's WAY below the value... You're FOS. This ain't NY or AZ.