Headquarters Salon vs Do It At Home

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    ok, you guys know how much i have promoted Headquarters and my stylist but the last time i went the cost went way up since all the Hairstylists from Andrea & Co. joined Headquarters and i am very disappointed, especially since i did not even have a cut or blowdry that time since the stylist had a family emergency. i have a lot of hair and it grows pretty fast so i cannot afford to pay higher prices so i am thinking about going back to doing it myself instead of paying over $100 before tip every 4 weeks. For those of you that do your own, what brand do you use and how easy is it to get color that does not look flat? Any advice would be greatly appreciated it.
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I had my done at HQ last time...cut, color and blowdry with tip was $135...

    Now, that was a nice treat for me, but I can't afford that on a regular basis. I would suggest a trip to Sally's to pick out a color, and it's not that hard, and keeping it looking shiny isn't that hard either if you use the right products...

    As far as your highlights....buddy up with a girlfriend who will foil yours if you foil hers....
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I have to shell out next week. I almost wish I hadn't started it. If it weren't for the grey, I wouldn't. I obviously can't be allowed near a box of color on my own though. :lol:
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    sounds like a plan, i will get the base this weekend and we will go from there:cheers:

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I've tried Just 10. It covered the gray in 10 min. for about 10.00.
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised to hear that they've increased their prices due to the girls from Andrea & Co coming there. My hair stylist is one of those from A&Co - but she has not go up on her prices since she moved. About a yr ago I tried Headquarters (thinking I might save some $$$) and they charged me more than my stylist at A&Co and I wasn't even happy w/ how it turned out, so I stuck with A&Co!

    I wonder if they all charge the same or do they have a choice? Anywho - as I've said here before, I get the whole color & highlights about 4-5 times a yr and I just color the roots myself in between. I'd rather have brown roots showing than gray ones! :lol:
  7. poptart4breakfast

    poptart4breakfast Well-Known Member

    Did the Andrea and Co. salon close?
  8. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    Yes, A&Co did close and the building is for sale :(

    I followed my hairdresser to HQ and she did not go up in price either.
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Jenny didn't go up in price.
    I went 2 mos ago and paid $110 same I normally pay her.
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i don't think any of the A&Co girls went up but i know mine did and she was originally at HQ and did not raise the price until they came, i am guessing that maybe she found out others were charging more and wanted to keep in step.
  11. gracey1314

    gracey1314 Well-Known Member

    kaci, try adi over at salon at chadbourne right down the road. i think she's really reasonable, and so nice :) she only works 1/2 the week though i think like thurs - sat or something like that, but she works pretty late. the # is 779-7900; and i have her cell if you wanna call mon-wed.
  12. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Kaci ~ I color my own hair and I use Loreal or Garnier or however it is spelled. It isn't hard to do yourself. I have been cutting and coloring my own hair for years.
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    that sounds great, it is even closer to me but honestly i have so much hair it is hard to find someone that does not get frustrated with doing it every month after about 2 years even though i tip really great, it seems like every time i find someone who does a great job, after a couple years they get tired of doing it and all of a sudden the color does not look as good, they do not want to take the time to dry it and they do the easiest and quickest way to get it done even though i run my mouth constantly recommending them to everyone that will listen:cry: Seriously i am so sorry sometimes that God blessed me with such a head of hair, it was so much easier before the gray started :cry: i just wish i could find someone who really loves the art of hair and not move them in and move them out to make the most money for the time. It was so much easier when i was in VA and the same guy did my hair for years and became a great friend, he never made me feel i had to apologize for imposing on too much of his time, i guess that is why he went on to own his own salon in VA and then NY.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i did mine too after having someone try to do highlights when i first moved down here and i looked like Bozo for awhile, it is not easy to raise a naturally very dark hair with red highlights (yeah the Cherokee really came out in my hair) but there is no way to get the high and low lights with the at home hair color that i have ever found. It has been awhile so maybe it has changed and i may have to find out real soon.
  15. OverdaRainbow

    OverdaRainbow Well-Known Member

    Wow, I had no idea people pay that much to get their hair done! :shock: My mom has owned her own shop most of my life. I've always considered myself blessed to get my hair cut, colored, highlighted, brows waxed and even tanning & tanning lotion..all for free, but didn't realize just how much money she saves me. She's wonderful, even when I try to pay her she wouldn't have any part of it, and won't let me. My hair is midway down my back and I get it colored and highlighted every other month. Seeing what you all pay...good gracious she saves me alot!!!
    However for her customers her prices are no where near $100 for those services. She is in a nearby small town. I guess the closer you get to Raleigh the more expensive those services get. I really had no idea people paid that!
  16. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Where is she? I wouldn't mind traveling a little to get a better price and someone who does a really good job. I just went last night and wanted to go a little darker-more like my own natural color before I went gray. Hubby called me Elvira! Now I have to figure out how to live with this dark hair!
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    If your hair is in good shape, I have had luck "stripping" color using Dawn dishwashing liquid. Of course, a good conditioner afterwards. Caveat: I am not a hairdresser, but it was recommended to me by one when my color came out too dark. Or you can just wash it several times in a row to hopefully strip some of the color out.
  18. OverdaRainbow

    OverdaRainbow Well-Known Member

    Luvgoose, she is in Coats. I know depending on where in the 40/42 area some are, that is quite a ways.. if you want more info just pm me and I will give you her number and prices..
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Coats would be perfect for me since I'm in Dunn now. I would love to get her number and prices.
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    well wish me luck folks, found another long time hairdresser that could not believe what i was charged for a touchup with no blowdry, cut or anything else, especially for a loyal long term customer who comes every 4 weeks so gonna give her a try. Hope i have found my forever hair stylist, it really gets old trying to find the one that gets your hair. Did it myself last time (shut your mouth HG) and it took 8 hours, really hard to put high and low lights in the back of your head so in reality time is money and i totally enjoy someone else doing it for me, it is my one guilty pleasure:cheers:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2010

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