Ex-WJHS Band Director faces sex charges

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Just another example of why there is NO way my child would get on a plane by herself under a stranger's supervision!
  2. Panther Crazy

    Panther Crazy Well-Known Member

    And the former Band director at Cleveland Middle School was arrested last week for the same thing.
  3. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    I'd be shocked that anyone that had ever met Britt would be shocked by the charges, or the sex of the student involved. My daughter was in the band and I figured out after one meeting there were two gay directors and one with a roving eye for the teenage girls.
  4. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yeah.... four day trip to NY = forty minute layover in Dallas. OK. :confused:
  5. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Guess that explains why half the band was always pregnant! Guess he encouraged it, and set the example:(
  6. artis

    artis Well-Known Member

    Half the band? Really? I think you need to go back and do some remedial education in math 101. Then again, as Ron White says -- you can't fix stupid.
  7. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Half the band was always pregnant?

    They must have kept the hundred or so that were eternally pregnant on the bus the times I've seen them.

    How can we expect the kids to handle this type of news when the adults say things like that?
  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Didn't y'all watch American Pie....?? You know what they do with flutes. The band is full of freaks!
  9. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    Betcha any amount of money that he was a Christian and a Republican.
  10. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    "was".....Did they kick him out or did he resign? :?
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    wow-- I remember way back when ...when I said that he was a freak and didnt give a crap about morals....I got SLAMMED by band geeks.
    Well well well

    He is gay. he didn;t care if the little female sluts got knocked up or not.
    his house on four oaks is for sale
    i told you for the band parents were getting drunk on one of the field trips..no one listened... ha ha I know, I know ..not all

    The sad part is the kids who really were members of the band for musics sake..not for the trips or the sex ...but because they enjoyed it.. and the parents who supported this without knowing what was going on.
    West johnston's band was its pride and joy..right now it is a laughing stock to Cary and the others.
    They need to come back next year and kick butt at those competitions. I hope they do.

    Wait until the story breaks abou tthe money..you know,,, the band crying poor mouth all the time and the truth is they had all the money they needed for certain trips.
  12. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    i got slammed for saying things too but it will all come out.
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I'll bet you any amount of money that you're an idiot.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    :iagree: :cheers:
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    From the N & O today:

    "Additional warrants for four more counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and three counts of felony sex offense with a student will be served when Britt is extradited from Bethlehem, Pa., to North Carolina, according to the release. Britt has been living in the eastern Pennsylvania town since his resignation, applying for other school jobs.
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    tooted the flute...... LOL
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You're NUTS! :lol:
  18. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    He should have gone to California.
  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Why? You are picking on that state today, aren't you!

  20. flutebandmom

    flutebandmom Member

    Thank you for pointing this out to the idiots on this board. My daughter is a female member of the WJHS band and she is in shock and extremely upset that something like this may have been going on. Comments like these from so called adults only makes it worse.

    Are you even an adult? How dare you classify the female members of the band as little sluts? Do you have some first hand knowledge that backs up this statement? I am not in any way defending Mr. Britt but I am defending my DAUGHTER and the other female members of the band when I say you are completely wrong in your statement and you should be ashamed to even put that in writing where other people will see it. Mr. Britt, the other band directors, the administration and teachers at WJHS are not responsible for the morals of my daughter - that belongs to my husband and me.

    WJHS Marching Wildcats are still the pride and joy of WJHS and they are NOT a laughing stock to Cary and the others. They should still be the pride and joy of the community they represent. As it was very clearly explained to the kids in the band as well as the parents after Mr. Britt resigned, the MAGIC that is the WHJS Marching Band is NOT and NEVER was Lance Britt - it is the KIDS and the hard work and dedication they put into their performances. They will continue to be the best band in the state because of the KIDS. If anyone is a laughing stock it is Mr. Britt.

    Your comment about the monetary needs of the band doesn't even deserve a response but for the band to have reached the levels it has it takes money.

    If Mr. Britt is guilty of any small portion of what he has been charged with, he needs to rot somewhere very hot. Leave the negative comments about the kids out of it. They have enough to deal with right now.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2010

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