I must have hundreds of beetles trying to get into my house through the screens. I don't think I've ever seen this many.
We were just outside checking a mysterious little sinkhole in the back yard, got no idea what THAT is, and noticed them all over the house. DH got a huge laugh when when one of them flew at me and landed on my eyelid. I was screaming like a little kid.
I just caught a second one and turned him back out. ... More like thumped him off of a paper towel I had caught him in. They're too big to squish. :ack:
They were really bad like this the first year we moved here. Man, I can't wait until they are gone. From what I remember, it is short-lived.
How do they look like? My husband was looking at one of our birch trees yesterday,he had to remove some of the dead bark,behind it was what looked like composted wood dust,inside that he found a huge black beetle,he called me over to show me,he say's:look at this one-it is huge,when I get over there I found out that what he was referring to was not the beetle but a beetle grub and it was humongous :ack::ack:
We are getting attacked over here! They are coming in through the doggy door and hanging on our screen...my car looks like it was a beatle massacre! Please tell me they will go away soon!